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Posts posted by adamjm

  1. two of my root canals were on my central incisors and the third was on my lateral incisor. although i did chip my two front teeth as a kid i think the rc were mainly cause of my braces, with the major moving they did. actually when i went into the second oral surgeons office they asked where i went for braces and then just shook their heads at the answer. lol

  2. i have had 7yrs of braces, my wisdom teeth removed (all impacted) , and three root canals, reconstructed a molar.


    for me braces caused more problems then they were worth. although i guess i don't look like a beaver anymore so i guess it was worth it there. after getting them off one of my molars that a band was on fell apart so it had to be built back up. i also had to get a root canal too cause of them.


    my wisdom teeth weren't bad.


    my first root canal sucked. i psyched myself out first while sitting in the chair waiting for the doc looking at the huge friggen metal needle on the tray. lol when the doc came in she told me what to expect and asked to tell me when i started feeling any pain and she would stop and inject some anesthetic. instead of doing that she drove the needle right on up through the roof of my mouth. man i have never felt anything like that before. for my second and third root canals i went to a different doc and asked to only get the jelly stuff and that i would deal with the rest.

  3. just wondering if any of you watch his specials at all? if not you should def. check it out. these guys travel all over the world for skiing, snowboarding, and sky diving, etc.

    any of you guys do any of this stuff?

  4. the only thing with this is if the kid has been looking for it for months wih nothing. he might jump on the next ars that he finds with it, and who knows what it will be, how it was prepared, and so on.

    although just like everyone else already said that he is to young and can still do more on his own, i would still be thinking of the prior.

  5. man thats awful. i started following this this morning. now i come home from work and read that 33 are dead with more hurt. i wonder if they are going to tell who did it, and how he was mental wise?

    my prayers go out to all involved.

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