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Posts posted by ItalianMuscle

  1. Let me just chime in on the last few posts.. My girl and I have been living in this house for over 1 year. We have received mail with around 5 or 6 different names, besides ours.. The postman left us a note in the mailbox, saying they were going to hold our mail till we signed this form telling them who the current residents were living in this house. I signed the form with our 2 names and turned it in.. So in my opinion, using a fake name is not wise, because your package could get held up, and how are you going to prove the package is yours with the fake name, and no id to back it up? Plus it is mail fraud, and that is a felony..

  2. I put mine in a big 5lb plastic protein tub container, and usually give it to my doc to dispose of properly.. Im not trying to be a dickhead or anything, but I cant believe some of you guys just throw them in the trash.. What happens when the garbage man gets stuck with one of your dirty pins, Or they are falling out of the bottom of the trash bag onto the street?? Not cool..

  3. I have some knowledge in the package business. I used to work for 2 well known delivery companies for a total of 12+ years.. USPS by far is the way to go, and yes they do need a search warrant to open packs.. UPS, FEDEx, DHL do not.. If these 3 carries discover an open package that isnt sealed well or there is a hole or something leaking, they have a right to open and repackage the item.. Ive seen coke, marijuana and lots of money going through.. And believe it or not, I have delivered coke to homes before around xmas time. I was told to deliver like nothing was wrong..People get caught because of the packaging and for using hand writing on packages. I know DEA profiles anything overnite or express. Very little emphisis on ground packs or priority packs, but they are still looked at.. At least in my area, DEA is more concerned about coke,X,marijuan and heroin..and honestly could give two shits about a few vials of test and dbol tabs coming through.. States are profiled too.. Packs coming from Cali to Detroit, Texas to Chicago, IL... Miami(FL) to Cali.. I think you get the drift..


    People dont understand, there isnt enough time or manpower to be searching every package that goes through the system. Its get the stuff in and sorted and out for delivery as quickly as possible.. The world thrives on the package/mail buisness and would literally shut down, if the package/mail system stopped..


    Look what happened when UPS went on strike about 10 or so years ago, lots of business' had to find other means, not to mention all the packages that were tied up in the system.. Im not going to say its 100%, but stick with USPS!

  4. GL was the first UG ive ever used and that was about 3 years ago. Ive tried all their test products and their EQ, and all were of top quality. GL is one of the few UGs that I will use. Excellent stuff..

  5. Might be a silly question, but I am new to this.. Are both 1/2s of capsules filled with powder before capping? Or does the powder just go in one 1/2 capsule? Just plan on making 20mg/var caps, but not quite sure if both 1/2s are filled.. Thanks in advanced..

  6. Thanks for the welcome so far fellas.. I hope I wrote it correctly, I am trying to learn the language a little bit on my own. Very tough to teach it to yourself..



    It is suppose to say.."Make me an offer I cant refuse". :2gunsfiri

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