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Posts posted by cuz

  1. How does one find a good doc? I know dr. Blau is the best but im on the west coast so its gonna take a flight and hotel plus if anything goes wrong i gotta fly out there again


    Good luck. I went to docs who were highly recommended by people who had the surgery. They will all sound like they know what they are talking about. I've talked to several and everyone seemed to know what they were doing. I picked the docs who friends had used. maybe I'm super gyno prone.

  2. Not removing the whole gland would cause it to come back. I've had 2 different docs do the surgery and it has come back on 1 side twice. Keep in mind I did my due diligence in finding a good doc and both came highly recommended. Both said they removed the whole gland. Evidently they left some behind. Also, you can get concaved nipples by removing too much. I am very gyno prone and yes, AAS use caused it to come back.


    Squatsandoats, forgot to quote your reply.



    Had it several times? What makes it come back, aas use? Don't they try and remove the whole gland? I'm thinking about getting it but if it comes back easily then fuck that.

  3. I've heard horror stories, but recovery for me wasn't bad. Back in the gym after a week doing legs and after 2 weeks doing light upper body. I've had the surgery several times. As far as tips, I don't have any, just listen to your doc.

  4. You should get off everything and let your levels normalize. A doc is gonna want baseline labs at your bodies normal levels so he or she will know what dose to prescribe. I don't know if a family doc will work with you. You should try to find an endocrinologist or urologist.

  5. Bump. Anymore feedback. Just trying to figure out if I should use this stuff or ditch it. I've never had any probs with Damans products but reading the post on the member that did have a prob and was hospitalized has me a bit worried. From what I gather it was an isolated incident with the t400.

  6. One thing that sometimes people don't realize is that you can develop and allergy to things you use regularly, food, meds, etc, I'm not saying this is what's happening right now to them, but it could be possible that something in the solution is causing an allergy, thus causing the swelling/pain.


    True. A friend took 1cc of enanthate from a board sponsor and had the crippling pain and swelling. Had a doctor look at it and said it was an allergy. But another guy I know is taking the same thing with no pain or swelling.

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