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Posts posted by MorganKane

  1. again:

    My god man, look up in the sky. Do you think planes fly in criss cross patterns that create checker board patterns and giant "X's" in the sky normally? Look up aviation flight patterns to see if they comply.


    Its all depends on where it is.

    If we dont see it anywhere, why do you think chemtrails in that pattern is only seen in one place?


    Think about it.

    You say we dont see that in normal aviation patterns but you showing a picture of an aviation pattern.

    So either its an exception to what we normally see or its not.

    if its an exception then that does not prove its for chemtrails.

    if its normal aviation pattern, no reason to say more here.



  2. At this point I'd say we are OVERthinking this issue...then again I live at the 4000ft elevation mark of a set of Alps...we don't see much diversity..unless u include the wildlife..lmao...ask me why I moved out of the city..I dare ya! Lol...it is exactly this type of debate that fuels the essence of free speech and unalienable rights...all be them rapidly eroding before our eyes! Perhaps. More power to us all!


    So why did you move out of the city :)


    The wildlife is deviant pervs too?

    I hate when I see a bear with a crucifix up his ass, pun intended.


    Really, this is evidence?


    The guy was in the air force over 50 years ago for 4 years so he is an expert now?

    Its not a single shred of evidence in his post, just his speculations.


    I would take the thread on bigfoot posted here a few weeks ago to have the same amount of evidence as this article.

    So I guess Bigfoot is real too, of course in interdimensional space.

  4. Bossy aren't you! :cool: lol.


    The problem is with your type, no matter how factual and substantial any evidence I produce, you will say it is a crock. You already said the whistleblower on the video is full of shit even though she produced evidence within the video. My god man, look up in the sky. Do you think planes fly in criss cross patterns that create checker board patterns and giant "X's" in the sky normally? Look up aviation flight patterns to see if they comply. It's a new phenomenon in the last ten years! Maybe you work in an office with no windows and only drive a night.




    You know that "chemtrails" is seen on all planes all over the world.

    You even see it when they come down for landing.

    Ask on a pilot forum. You might be dispointed in the answers and the laughs you get.


    So you post a picture from Switzerland, claiming to confirm that this is true.

    That makes a world wide conspiracy including 100+ governments.

    That will be 100,000+ people involved in this world wide.

    The video you posted claimed that the militarys own logistic system tracks this.

    But yet, no real evidence. No smoking gun. Nothing but speculations.


    Not a single shred of hard evidence on a world wide conspiracy.

    I say that pretty amazing. I am sure you are right about all this.


    You are the guy thats bossy giving the posters orders.

  5. Sorry man, my thread. I didn't come in blasting it. If you don't believe, don't believe. If you got anything to say against it, prove it.


    I can't prove that something that does not exist. Just like asking me to prove that Bigfoot doesnt exist.

    Its not my burden to prove, its yours.

    You are making the claim.


    The "evidence" you present its like using the bible to prove that Jesus existed.


    You did come here blasting this as the truth. You got called out on it.

    And you posted this in a public forum so why do you think nobody will respond.

    You dont get to decide on who responds or what they say.

    Dont like it, start your own forum.

  6. Do you two understand what forum you are under? If you have facts to disprove chemtrails, do it. This is what this sub-forum is for. Go back to Sleep to the Foxnews site or MSNBC is this too far over your heads (pun intended).


    How about you prove it with real facts instead of "suggestive" evidence.

    Keep in mind that chemtrails is seen all over the world, so also prove the world wide conspiracy.

  7. Only want to make a point on this for all. Its not going to be the case. Just watch and see. Tuition will go down considerably in the next decade or maybe slightly longer if I have miscalculated. The next housing bubble bust wont be in real estate, its the student loan business and defaults from increased tuition's reaching beyond peak sustainability with income for ROI. Its all fucked and going next, smaller schools will close and hundreds of larger schools across the country will merge or go out of business also if they fight restructuring of tuition and aide criteria.


    Something got to change, the sooner the better.

    We must invest in education.

  8. pretty sad when a socialist is a viable candidate for the dem. ticket.


    The socialist got some good points.

    His points on education and the rich is worth taking a look at.

    I dont think school should be free but its insane its estimated that a good university education will cost over $200K when my son starts college.

    Not taking ivy league here.


    Also, I find it a bit disturbing that the rich are getting richer.

    They own way too much and influence elections to their own advantage.

    Did you know that 163 Americans gave 60% of the superpac money for 2012?

    That means we are having 2 elections. One where the super rich elects the candidates.

    Then the second where the people get to vote on who got elected by the superpac.


    It has been said that Hillary might cost over 1.7 billion dollars.

    Its just insane.


    While I dont wand Sanders to win, I think he got some points worth discussing.

  9. I want to congratulate you on your admission that you have psychosis.


    Thats all you got?

    You are probably right.

    I am still spending time trying to educate you, a mental patient with internet access.

  10. Ok what if anything can I do to get my email back? Problem is its been saying error for almost 2wks an wont let me log in. It did it couple weeks ago for like 2 days then I got in it now nothing.


    If you include the name of the service, the exact error message. someone might help.





    For you it might be.


    Then there is no "right" and "wrong" if this is what you believe.



    Pretty much.

    Morality is in the eye of the beholder.

  12. You know what is sad about this thread? I have the seen the Good in Wetlook, I have seen him be a tremendous asset to the board in so many ways since he's been here...helping newbies out, steering them in the right direction on many topics, trying to prevent newbies from injuring themselves. Answering some of my questions I posted on the board when I needed some help, helping me to learn and improve my knowledge base in multiple areas, not just BBING (nutrition, training, AAS, proper sleep/rest, supplements). He's been a little curt with me a couple of times, but no big deal, I am a big boy and I am not gonna cry over it. Overall, he has shown me a great deal of respect the vast majority of the time.


    I think Wetlook and I are on the same page basically, we are fighting the same good fight together...constantly trying to realize self-improvement through hard work, perseverance, and exchanging thoughts, ideas and knowledge we have with other members of the board.


    I am not really a big fan of the entire board ganging up on one member unless that member has some genuinely evil machinations.....Hypertrophy comes to mind.


    Wetlook and Hypertrophy could not possibly be more different...one of those 2 guys actually has a good heart underneath his often rough exterior.


    I know there are gonna be some guys who say shut the f___ up dumbbellpress, you're an idiot. You're the only idiot on AB who is sticking up for Wetlook. My response is you are right, I am the only idiot on AB sticking up for Wetlook. Sometimes in life, though, you have to take some unpopular positions and risk losing respect from some of your peers (for sticking up for someone you feel has been slighted and ganged up on a little too harshly)...in order for you to be able to put your head down on the pillow at night and say to yourself "for once, I did something noble today. Today was a good day for me".


    Why do you feel the need to defend him?

    Do you really think he needs it?

  13. Then you obviously didn't understand it. Seriously, is this what you believe?


    1. marriage is a religious institution

    2. government gets involved

    3. ???

    4. marriage was never a religious institution


    Feel free to explain how something is both morally correct and incorrect given that you think it's subjective.


    The fact that you're arguing against reality itself when you say shit like this means you're the stupid one. Sorry to be the one to bring you the bad news.


    Feel free to answer the question I posed to Morgan. Or tell me how, exactly, you go about resolving the fact that "subjective morality" doesn't automatically and instantly reduce to "no morality." Until you do, you can kindly stop trying to sound smart, insult me, talk down, or really respond at all with anything that isn't an answer to my questions in a polite fashion.



    In this context of gay marriage, religion has nothing to do with it.

    Its a legal contract issued by the state.


    Your morality arguments is funny.

    You are saying that morality is only one thing.

    Everybody that does not see it the same as you is doing immoral things.

    Morality means different things to different people. Religion has a lot to do with how people see morality.

    Morality is in the eye of the beholder.

    Hindus dont eat cows, they are sacred. That makes others immoral for eating them, in their views.

    If your stand is that everybody that sees it different then you are wrong, then you are just nuts.

    But you have already shown yourself to be a total nut job.

  14. Did you just not read my last post on this subject?




    See, this is the whole point. One of you is wrong because it isn't subjective. People believe all sorts of warped things, it doesn't make them morally right.


    yes, and again you are wrong..



    Not subjective, Really?

    You just are bullshitting now.

  15. This has only been the case in very recent human history. Marriage is undeniably religious in origin and simply because we have government paperwork on it now doesn't wash that away.




    lol nope


    But this isnt a religious issue.

    its all about the government paper, aka marriage license.


    How can you morality is not subjective?

    ISIS think its morality superior kill a girl vs her having an education.

    Me, think they are nuts.

    Both based on morality.

  16. The last refuge of the moron with nothing to say. Let's see what other brilliant insight we've got from you:



    Marriage is a religious ceremony.



    I'm not trying to offend anyone either, I just have no goddamn patience whatsoever for idiocy like this:




    and don't mind telling people that believe this sort of shit that they're idiots.


    Not in this content.

    This is about the right to marry, the marriage license.

    Not about how or who will do the ceremony.

    Nothing relgioius about millions of marriages in this country.

    You can get married by a judge, the captain on a ship, etc.

    Nothing to do with religion.


    And morality is subjective....

  17. This shit is funny.

    Chemtrails happens all over the world.

    Thinking that this is a world wide conspiracy with hundreds of thousands of people involved but nothing leaked, is a bit stupid.


    Ask pilots about chemtrails.

    They will laugh so hard to fall of the chair.


    I have a bunch of really good tinfoil hats for sale.

    High quality, Imported from Switzerland.

    Only $999.95 for each.

  18. Had one Friday night.

    Its simple.

    They insert a needle into your vein.

    Attach a bag to the end of the tubing and suck out 500ml or so of blood.


    I try to eat and drink extra that day and the next day.


    Had my phlebotomy around 10pm or later actually.

    Then worked out the next morning around 10am.

    I could tell the difference but if I have it done on Friday night and workout on Monday morning its no big deal.


    Make sure you hydrate plenty.


    Seriously, this is not big deal.

  19. AlphaViking, I despise European-style/Obama-style social justice...it goes against every tenet of capitalism that exists. I hope that doesn't make me a bad guy. If it does, oh well, I don't care, to hell with social justice, our founding fathers were 100% against European-style / Obama-style social justice / socialism / Marxism.


    What is European-style/Obama-style social justice?

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