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Posts posted by German89


    You ever listen to Broderick Chavez? , he’s a guru apparently . does some videos on you tube . I was just listening to one of his the other day and he was saying he thinks nandrolone is the safest thing women can use , less side effects than var . Not sure what dose he’s was recommending but 15mg a week seems very reasonable


    Yeah I like nandrol over var.


    It's been a while since I've used var. Girls are less like wanting to inject due to misconceptions.


    Var and nandro pair well though.


    I think my best cycle so far was test and npp.. now I'm on trt. I feel 100x better.


    I will have to look into Brodericks videos. Thanks. Since covid I've drawn back on my low doss npp. I go for blood work this week for trt and I hope that my doctor can do a over the phone appt or I can go see him and see what he suggests.

    • Like 1
  2. We care can you send me a care package of some of your desserts??? Glad your safe and healthy.




    Uhhh I dont know if that's a good idea during this covid bullshit.. plus it's super expensive to mail, internationally

    shoulda asked while I was still in the states ;)


    Just bitch slap them with a raw steak. I recommend a bonless ribeye for pooh though....he bruises easy


    It seems like a job for you.


    I'll give you the honor of slapping them with your raw meat.


    I hope you boys like pain... I will use a flogger.



    idk what it is

    i always get pissy from mid jan till the weather breaks in march

    it seems like $ is always tight

    people are dicks

    diet is hard to maintain

    idk its one of the reasons i hate being north. its hard cold and fucking gay this time of year


    Honestly, it's just the cycle of life - you know whats coming. You should be prepared.


    You allow the weather to have an affect on you. It shouldn't but.. I understand many grey days, no sun, it gets a little lame. But, stay focused!


    Money is tight due to over spending on the holidays.


    Let the dicks be dicks and move on with it. Be the cunt to smile and walk away.


    Why is diet hard to maintain? You over indulged during the holidays. Get your shit together kid. It's almost bikini season.


    It is a gay fucking time of year but, it's time to pitter patter and get at 'er. Time to tighten your diet up. Time to stop being so blah and get on with it. It's almost tshirt weather and what do you have to show for it?


    Winter should be the time you prime yourself. You've been hiding behind your sweats for 6 months.. Come march, you're gonna be scrambling to lean out because beach season is coming. You're an athlete, act like it. You're better than, "Its that time of year".


    I love winter. No one wants to "do anything". Not that I do anything at all but, i am not obligated to fucking, fuck off on my routine to, "do something".


    I don't know what the fuck I'm getting at. Get more discipline and get your ass to the gym.


    And up your fucking test.

    • Like 2
  5. Sir.?? No need to be so formal. My friends call me daddy


    Formality is important. I must obey the hierarchy.


    The title, "daddy" is earned. And you havent been very daddy like!


    Shame on you.







    I haven't been around much either.

    Shitty time of year I think for most people. It gets like that seasonally on the boards.


    That seasonal depression. Eh?


    Everyone coming off cycle or something?

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