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AB V.I.P. Member
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Posts posted by Bebuilt

  1. I can't help but notice most, if not all of the sources don't really carry injectable winny. Only oral. Is it a price thing, or raw material, I used to love the zambons, and Morningstar labs used to make a killer 40ml jug, think it was 100mg/ml. Just wondering why people don't use/ talk about it as much.





    For infection reasons and people lump up. There are some real good winny inject out there called Rexogin.

  2. Yeah, the article is weird. Dogs aren't even trained to sniff for gear as far as I know. 5 vials is nothing and the cops say they found hundreds of pills which doesn't mean much either. Who buys less than 100 pills when ordering orals anyway?


    "A traffic stop turned into a drug bust in West Hartford, and the drug of choice is steroids." The cops and news are fired up about the steroids but only casually mention finding heroin haha.


    I know right! What about the heroin????? Fucking jokers!!!! I don't get why gear gets so much attention in the news. There is big heroin busts everyday that we don't here about, but 5 vials and some pills are "head news." BREAKING NEWS: This just in "biggest steroid bust city has ever seen" "5 bottles of liquid steroids."


    I love when the officer says "way too much for personal consumption." FUCKING JACKASS!!!!!!!!

  3. http://www.wtnh.com/dpp/news/crime/traffic-stop-turns-into-steroid-bust#.UKObeYZk0rk



    Check this out guys! This is how little the local police know about steroid use. They claim that finding a couple hundred pills and 5 vials is a "large steroid bust" little do they know, that wouldn't even be enough for most bodybuilders for 12-16 week cycle. Unfucking believable. They are charging him with manufacturing with intent to sell? Definitely not going to live in Connecticut!!!!!!!!!! Dumb cops!

  4. I know a lot of the guys are bummed out about losing our VIP status but lets be honest, we know who's who. I know I can trust guys such as Cabo, 1500, ItalianMuscle, Juiceboy, mpressmc, jmitch2604, aka_jacked, mugzy, Udeluz, tekken lll, etc etc. We may not have a vet section to post things in private but thats aright. Its up to all of us to restore AB to greatness!!!


    Edit: Let's not forget about phudecki. Apparently he has a vagina and his feelings were hurt because I didn't mention him.


    HAHAH! What about snachito???!!!!!!!!!! Didn't mention him either. haha

  5. Has anyone heard of anyone on the boards have a case built against them overtime and let the packs go through for years, then get busted? Does anyone know of anyone who has had a controlled delivery? Do you think they would let you walk away with it out of the post office and then come to your house days later?

  6. Yes, you all have a very good point and this is true. However, I find it hard to believe that its that dangerous considering no top bodybuilder in the last ten years or so have died from an enlarged heart. I know a pro that takes 24IU per day and he is well in his 40s. Its also not like he hasn't been using Gh for a month or two is has been years. I would have expected ronnie and art atwood to be dead along time ago. Thats just my two sense. Everyone also has to understand that there is huge genetic factor on this. Just like when you here someone doing a drug for the first time and it kills them. There body couldn't handle it. Then you have people who do it for years and live to be 90!

  7. Well Snach, I would first say that what you do in your past does not always reflect what the person is like today. With some people the past is a learning experience whether it was a good or bad one. I have made some bad choices in my past that I have to live with today, but Im not the same person that I was 5 years ago for that I have learned from my mistakes.


    If I was in your shoes I would honestly tell him what I think and feel. If he is asking then he is unsure and respects your opinion. I have a best friend who is going to marry a "cunt" and I want to tell him to run, but he hasn't asked me what I thought of it. I would never saying anything to him unless he asked. I'm hoping that one day he will ask!


    Good luck Snach!

  8. I was just going to stack it with test and then add winny for the last 6 weeks. Basically just wanting to try something different. I usually always use EQ with test, so I just wanna try the primo and see if I like it. I think I might bump up the dose to 600mg. Thanks Bebuilt!


    Ya that would be good then you can see if primo is worth it. I would add the winny in last 8 wks to help harden you out. Good luck bro. Let me know how it works out.

  9. Yeah I know right! LOL It will be about another month or two before this begins though.


    I think it will be a good dose for the first time using it, could respond to it very well. Who knows? Would like to hear from some guys with some experience with primo.


    600mg per week and its hard to tell how well it works considering you usually stack it with other things. Unless you just stack it with just test and your used to stacking EQ and Deca with test. For me its not worth the money vs the benefit. Hope that helps Brodel. One on my close friends who just one a pro show this year used it. He liked it, but said he couldn't really tell because of the other compounds.

  10. Once again we can thank all these asshole baseball players for influencing kids to take anabolics. Its not bodybuilders that are the influence. Kids see these multimillion dollar contracts to these piece of shit baseball players. In a response the government puts the heat on us and bodybuilders. These players are the ones that should go to fucking jail.


    Overall, Im not worried. If there is a demand for it, its always going to be here know matter what. End of story. They can do whatever they want and waste all that money for a substance that is candy compared to rec drugs. heroin and cocaine are the things that should be focused on. Once again, they come after juice because its easy find and arrest people. I just hope that these boards always exist because if they don't its make juice unsafe to use. There would be no way to report scammers and bunk shit. I mean really, the gov and LE were making orders and things for years trying to figure out the sources. Its nothing new.

  11. The only real reason why they concentrate on juice is that the DEA won't have to worry about being shot and killed. Big drug dealers with cocaine and heroin have a lot of guns and most of the time will fight to the death. This shit blows my mind, considering where Im from heroin is out of control and people are overdosing and dying. It has only gotten worse in the last few years. Lets face it guys juice is an easy target and make headlines every time. Its not about juice being dangerous to your health, its about money, headlines, and an easy bust thats it.

  12. If these stupid fucking baseball players would have stayed out of the headlines this shit wouldn't be as bad. I FUCKING HATE BASEBALL. They get caught and don't go to jail and everyone does. Fuck them! Sorry guys for those who like it.

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