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Posts posted by tommyguns2

  1. Uhhhhh... I wouldn't inject cloudy gear. Contact your rep brother...


    This is in the DIY section. He likely brewed this himself.


    He said that when he warms it up, it clears up. CBL indicated that this can be due to some humidity. I've seen cloudy gear due to the hormone coming out of solution (more typical for test cyp or test U than the test E), and heating fixes it as well. Upon reheating, I've injected the previously cloudy gear without any problems.


    Just checking to see if you know of any particular problem that I'm not aware of.

  2. thank you sir. If you have any additional info that you think would be helpful to disseminate, let me know and I'll make a posting for you.

  3. Wouldn't the vegetable oil cause the cap to dissolve? And wouldn't injecting into the cap cause the cap to have a hole in it, through which your oil would come out and make an awful mess? That makes no sense. My one time I capped var, and used a mix of glutamine BCAAs and creatine with it. I mixed everything thoroughly and capped it all over about 3-4 sessions. Each time before I started to cap, I mixed the entire mixture thoroughly. While I have no way of knowing how even the var was distributed, I don't recall noticing variations as I subsequently used the product. Capping is not a fast process, it's pretty slow.

  4. Technically, when you add 2.5 grams of anadrol powder to 50mL of your liquid (e.g., everclear or whatever), because the powder operates to displace some of the liquid the result of the mixture will be slightly more than 50mL. With an approximate displacement of 5-8%, you'll probably end up with about 53mL of resultant solution, so you technically won't have exactly 50mg/mL, but will have slightly less. For most of us this is no big deal for personal use and the approximation works just fine, but if you were making it for a friend, or whatever, you would either want to make an adjustment or tell him that it's not exactly 50mg/mL.

  5. hmmm... crickets from the OP.


    Seems like he had no problem stomping his feet and throwing expletives around just 24 hours ago.


    So what is it ironfanatic? are the emails posted to you requesting an addy fake? Myo doesn't seem to think so. If the source at issue has asked you multiple times for an addy to send you a refund, and the emails are dated in March, how exactly is that person been scamming you?


    I'm very interested in your reply. It's only fair that you clear up the confusion here.

  6. It is basically that simple, but you need to remember that the powder will generate a certain amount of displacement in the carrier liquid. Also, sesamie oil is used for intramuscular injection, not for oral ingestion, at least to my knowledge. OraSweet is used by some, grain alcohol by others.


    So, if you wanted to make 100 mLs of anavar dosed at 50mg/mL, you'll need 5g of anavar powder. But if you simply added that much powder to the 100 mL of carrier liquid, you'll end up getting more than 100mL of final suspended solution because of the power displacement. Thus you'll have more than 100mL of anavar and the dose will not accurately be at 50mg/mL.


    So for accurate dosing, you want to take into consideration displacement. Many people estimate this at 0.8, at least for IM oil recipes.

  7. With the scale I've got, I don't feel confident that I can accurately measure the hormone accurately to the hundredths of a gram. Some scales have that accuracy, but mine does not. Not even sure how good I am to the tenths place. For my own gear, I don't really care, but if I were making it for someone else, I'd like add another tenth of a gram or so to be sure I never shortchanged anybody.

  8. I won't argue with your analysis reg, but I will argue with you failing to properly account for significant digits. Are you telling me your measuring equipment is accurate to 12 decimal places? No worries, just busting your balls.... However, you would have had your lab TA bleed all over your formal lab report.

  9. I can vouch for the quality of the product. But, IMO, getting what you paid for doesn't make up for poor communication. It's funny, good communication is the easiest part of the job. It just takes organization and the will to take the time to do it. It pays for itself in the long run by developing loyal customers.

  10. sorry, but your statement that test is all androgen is incorrect.


    this is bad advice! test e only cycle is a classic cycle that works wonders for MOST people. I suppose there are a few exceptions who somehow did not benefit.


    key to keeping gains is not adding another magic compound, it's proper PCT, continued proper nutrition, and sticking with intense training.

  11. Nothing "bad" will happen. EQ is pretty mild, so you may see some reduced vascularity. On the "good" side, since you're also doing dbol, your blood pressure may be in a little better shape.


    Everyone is different, but I noticed an increase in BP with EQ. EQ is a funny compound, some people think it does nothing, while others swear by it, and won't ever leave it out of a cycle.

  12. I agree that HCG is good stuff, and can be used several ways with good results. Just remember that HCG is an aromatizing compound, like test, so if you were having some gyno issues, the HCG can affect this. I take HCG 2X per week on my TRT program, and need to regularly take a-dex to keep estrogen in check.

  13. Hello to everyone at AB,


    I've been a member for a while, but never bothered to say hello. Figured it was time to be polite and introduce myself. Have been around the boards for quite a while, and look forward to learning from everyone here. I'll provide my inputs when I feel I have something intelligent to say, otherwise, I'll keep my trap shut. Not much of a post whore...

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