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Posts posted by Titan

  1. The amount of HCG recommended on most (steroid) forums is laughably insufficient to do anything of note, especially if someone has been on a very long time as most steroid users are these days.


    This is why so many bodybuilders wrongly get put on TRT, or go onto forums like Crisler's and get told to not use more than 250iu at a time, because of much estrogen. sorry, i don't care how respected crisler is by his customers, when it comes to AVOIDING putting men on TRT for life, hes a fucking idiot. His position on ASIH basically amounts to "if this doesnt work, lol idk" because he can't think outside of these principles he has erected about certain drugs.


    Every, and i do mean EVERY successful case study of reversing Anabolic Steroid Induced Hypogonadism in the literature, uses LARGE dosages of hCG for a PROLONGED period of time. It is necessary. 500iu for a few weeks might be okay for the guy who just did 8 weeks of testosterone and his balls are mostly still functioning anyway. The guy whose nuts have atrophied and been dormant for years is quite a different story.


    GV gill in 1998, saved a young bodybuilding lad from TRT for life by using heavy dosages of HCG. How much you ask?


    10,000 iu/ week 1st month

    5,000 iu/week 2nd month

    2,500 iu/week 3rd month


    It worked as you can see, and unlike the retarded "pct log" on a steroid forum where the guy is mistaking the action of the drugs for him being "recovered" 4 weeks later before he hops back on, there is actually 30-month followup here to demonstrate he is still eugonadal.

  2. Heavy as possible for 12-20 reps

    Legs respond best with moderate weights and 20+ reps

    Slow negatives always

    once a month heavy 1-2 rep max.

    Be consistent.

    Don't eat like our always in precontest mode.

    There's this one guy at my gym, always wears his hoodie, always looks like he lives on nothing but chicken and rice and yet he has never gained size or strength in the last two years ive been there training. This short dude is lost in that Bodybuilding lifestyle of precontest mod...its sad. You have to eat big to be big.

    If you're not getting at least 8 hours sleep you need to fix that.

    Document everything you are doing in the gym.

    If you're socializing at the gym your there for the wrong reasons. I wear my earbuds and I totally ignore others and train.

    I do 3 exercises back to back like a superset like Ill do leg extension then no rest Ill do leg curls then no rest Ill do leg press then rest a few minutes and repeat 3-4 sets each.

    I train every other day. Rarely 2 days in a row...

    Only for 1-1.5 hours max on really heavy days one hour only. If your training for 2+ hours you're going too light.

    That's a brief description

  3. Why do u always get this race shit titan or whatevet the fuck u calling urself. Its always u. What does this have to do with common folks coming together for the love of iron. Who are u to say what people should or should not get. Please don't start this pissing war shit. Arnold classic is in a couple days. We can talk about it there sir.


    This section of AB is a Political forum?

    Racial issues are part and parcel in politics?


    Just because you disagree isn't a reason to hate.

    Obviously, you failed to read the post in its entirety.

    Please, post your opinions on this issue.

    It is a free speech nation...

    No... this opinion of mine is not some outcrop of my racial views or an assumed anti-Black stance, no not even close.


    What I think the black community needs is more encouragement, more inclusion and the elimination of this idea that Blacks are victims.

    I personally have had many tragedies in my own life but the last thing I need psychologically is a self-view of "I'm some kind of victim" or "I've been victimized by some other group", or somehow cheated by my social/cultural landscape.


    No...Blacks do not need for this government to continue labeling them victims or oppressed because Blacks are not. But, if you watch TV, the media on any given day, that's the narrative we all see and so Blacks here in America continue to blame problems on being victimized when the truth is: Life can be hard and is hard and unforgiving and not fair. Its not easy to work, raise a family and simply survive. Its not hard because one group is being victimized and everyone else has some assumed inner hidden God given privileges.


    Blacks don't want handouts or welfare, I assume as a whole that's true. So why should Elizabeth Warren propagate this victim narrative simply for her own self-aggrandizement and a vehicle to garnish sympathy for her cause to win votes?


    That's just my opinion I'm not attacking Blacks, I confronted the issue of how the media and politics keep labeling groups as victims IE: women in general, Gays, transgender, and on and on. And on the same plate, paints the white male or men in general as oppressive...


    The statistical facts show men are far more likely not to get a college education than women, The US colleges graduates are 73% women!!!!

    90% of all those incarcerated are men and most black men, the natural tendency of men to be aggressive is medically viewed as an apparition of some mental health problems and treated as ADHD. Of all the suicides last year some 7 million 77% were committed by males. Men in general are in no way oppressing any one. Yet the Feminist and left wing media keep pushing to stop this wave of imagined male oppression, when studies show men are the main group that is dwindling the fastest and most in the last 50 years.

    I can go own but I'm just again expressing my own personal opinions against the insanity of this country current tendency toward a group mentality which is tragic.

    Do Blacks deserve monetary reparations because of the Slavery issues this country went through?


    It's not up to me to decide, true enough, but I can have an opinion..my rights.

    In order to be able to think and use our minds, one has to risk being offensive. Otherwise, we live in a totalitarian society or perhaps more precise what is called a heteronomous culture like you find in most Muslim cultures, where all thoughts and actions are governed by a few leaders.

    Who wants that?

  4. I never believed in conspiracy theories on the Clintons, BUT after reading a book (Christopher Hitchens), news reports of some very questionable murders on people involved with ties to the Clinton foundation (Honey and Barry Sherman), the DNC leaks guy killed (Seth Rich), plus watching some really well put together non-bias docs........I don't know how the Clintons and others aren't rotting in a prison.


    Is this the book you're referring to? No One Left to Lie To The Triangulations of William Jefferson Clinton (Twelve, 2012 / Allen & Unwin, 2012)


    Not a fan of Mr. Hitchens. He is what he calls himself a "social democrat (Soft on socialism aka Bernie Sanders claims as much), a Marxist, and an anti-totalitarian( God is a totalitrian??) and an antitheist...

    Hitchens began to break with the established political left after what he called the "tepid reaction" of the Western left to the "Satanic Verses" controversy, followed by the left's embrace of Bill Clinton and the antiwar movement's opposition to NATO intervention in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 1990s. His support of the Iraq and current conflicts/War separated him even further. Long friendships with the aristocracy of the Anglo-American left -- Noam Chomsky, Tariq Ali, Alexander Cockburn, Edward Said -- ended in harsh exchanges.

    Not a fan but the man is well read and intelligent, but I think you can think too much and somewhere in your life you need to allow emotions, perhaps faith to come to play.


  5. Reparations for black Americans? Why? What amount of money would be considered enough?

    My first thought is reparations for who specifically?

    Those black slaves who suffered unimaginable horrors as slaves are all dead and gone God bless them all. Generations upon generations have come and gone since.


    America does not owe current black Americans anything,

    America does not owe ME anything.


    We all, white, black, Hispanic, Asian, middle eastern whoever, all have the same general opportunities as anyone else. Educate yourself (College), work hard (legal employment), obey the law (The current local and federal Laws not Sharia Law), raise your children to be good law abiding citizens, pay what ever taxes you personally owe and live and let live.


    No one is owed anything from the government. Reparations for black Americans? How do you decide who and which black Americans qualify? And is it just for those living now? Do we pay all future generations of those who qualify? What if you have just immigrated to America from Africa? Will you qualify? Whats the amount of time you have had to be an American Citizen if you just arrived to be able to receive your free hand outs?

    Would it be a one-time payment or monthly, quarterly or yearly payment for reparations?


    So, the question of who specifically is due to receive reparations? Do you DNA test all American Citizens? What if a person looks black but actually has more of another race in them.

    I'm white (mostly) but what if my great, great, great grandmother was from Africa? Will I get my freebies from Uncle Sam? How much?

    What percentage of your DNA has to be from Africa? 1% 10%, 25%, 50% and who gets to decide all these issues?


    Does every single person in a family get a separate check or is it based on one check per family?

    If every single person gets a separate check ...well then you have a lot of single black girls that have a huge incentive to start popping out as many black kids as possible, and it doesn't matter the fathers race, they'll look black.

    So, the initiative to have more kids for more free government monies( Welfare?), creates a tidal wave of more people who need more reparations...and the money comes from where?


    Elizabeth Warren claims/claimed to be American Indian to get a free tuition rider for her college education (liberal morality)...

    Maybe ALL native Americans deserve reparations instead... they are still being oppressed to this day. If anyone deserves this, it's all Indigenous Americans.


    This country has bent over backward with affirmative action and numerous civil rights laws and continues to do so on an increasing level.

    Enough with the let's pay poor victims... who don't even exist, ie Slaves.

    No Black American alive today has ever been or will ever be a slave.

    So give them money for what?


    My Scottish/Irish ancestors were brutally oppressed by the British monarchy hundreds of years ago (Brave Heart the movie?).

    Maybe I should go to England and tell the Queen to give me reparations for my long since dead ancestors suffering, rape, murder, theft of my ancestors land and livestock...LOL .....INSANITY


    All this rhetoric is typical for a liberal who lies about her own ancestry.


    And I haven't even touched on the unimaginable huge logistics and the massive cost of such an undertaking to even begin. You need thousands upon thousands of government employees to work, plan, organize and initiate and create a whole separate government agency,laws,regulations, research committees, and financial institutions to organize distribution of such funds, to make such a thing even possible.


    The computer database alone needed would cost hundreds of millions. (Obama-care?). Who will pay for all the cost of this that's above and beyond the amount of money given (reparations tax?). Is the reparations for ALL future Black generations to come, generations upon generations to come?

    Where in Gods name will all this money come from?

    Does this democratic moron not understand this country is trillions in debt already?


    Even with all, I've said s far, I haven't even scratched the surface of all the logistics and man-hours involved with such a massive undertaking of reparations for black Americans.

    Elizabeth Warren just trying to garner votes Liberal votes obviously.


    Once she hypothetically was elected then the truth would come to light and she would have to admit..."This would be a civil thing to do, but this country just can't afford this kind of monetary responsibility"..."but hey, Black America, Thanks for all ya'll voting for my lying ass". Another broken grandiose promise from a typical deceptive Democrat


    Instead of free handouts, lets pass regulations that limits colleges and major universities in America in tuition costs. Let us make affordable college a responsibility for the betterment of this country. If every man woman and child would be able to attend and afford a college degree, how much better off would we all be?


    Americans don't need hand outs, we need the opportunity to better ourselves and a chance for a debt free future before we retire. I'm all for helping my fellow man, but is it better to give a man a fish ever day for the rest of his life or teach a man to fish and help him survive successfully without being told he is a victim and being told he is less than? The slave issues of this country are a absolute unthinkable horror. But at what point do we move on and think upon the future and how to make our kids opportunity greater so no one feels marginalized by the color of their skin or their ancestral backgrounds? Think people.

  6. So when it comes to heating oils that I inject for less pip.. I tried it this morning and.. well..

    I took some hot water from the sink.. tossed my primo/sust in it and waited a bit, not really judging time or anything


    Anyhow I took it, was kinda warm in my hand, but not HOT.


    Load it up and pin it and HOLY FUCK it hurt so bad, I must have hit a vein cause I pulled the needle out after .5ml and blood was everywhere... no biggie.. replace needle and shake it out for a couple minutes. Move my injection site around and pin it, another .5ml and fire consumes my arm again, yank the needle out and even more blood all over my arm.. felt dizzy and sat down. I hit a vein twice now.. must have.. right?


    I replace the needle once again and try for a third cause its personal at this point, pin it and same story, blood shooting out of my arm.. like actually squirting out and across my bathroom.


    I said to hell with it and pinned my ass for the last one just to finish it off.. smooth as butter even when it was slightly warmed still.


    My question is:


    1. How do y'all heat it up? Does it really help the pip on some oils?

    2. What the fuck happened? Did the oil burn a vein or something? Did I hit a vein, but the blood engorged my delt so every time I pinned it bled?

    3. Am I stupid?


    Heating oils is not necessary..at all!!!

    It doesn't lessen the pain, it doesn't make it absorb one bit faster or better. Heating oils is just pointless.

    Keep your oils in a non refrigerated dry place and it will be fine.

  7. McCabe is a perjurer, who got fired for his lying, yet the media is treating him as some sort of hero... McCabe is out bragging about his part in a coup attempt, however; their plot is now unraveling......It will not end well for the Democrats and the seditious and traitorous cretins who were part of this plan.... This is the biggest political scandal in US history, bar none.


    ....McCabe and his seditious co-conspirators have since the day Trump announced he was running, plotted to first "Steele" the election, and failing that, have conducted an ongoing coup attempt with their willing accomplices in the corrupt media...


    It was Democrats who colluded with Russians, starting with the phony dossier, created by British spy Steele, and his Kremlin (that would be Russians) contacts, paid for by Hillary's campaign, and used by the FBI knowing it's origins, to dupe the FISA court into issuing warrants to spy on the Trump campaign, and American citizens... It was Obama, Hillary, perjurers Brennan, Clapper, Comey and McCabe, as well as Yates, Rice, Lynch, Rhodes, Podesta, Weismann, Page, Strzok, Ohr, his wife, Power, Simpson and Steele, who were involved in this plot...


    In the meantime, it has been learned that when Ohr testified under oath, he said he had told the FBI and Justice Department that the dossier was false and paid for by Hillary, yet they used it anyway... Recently, a bipartisan Senate committee has come out with their report saying there was no collusion by Trump with Russia, and no obstruction in the Rosenstein recommended firing of Comey.... Add to all that, the treasonous Uranium One (Ros atom-Russian Atomic Energy Corp) deal where Obama, Holder, Hillary and CFIUS members sold 20% of US uranium deposits to Putin, for $145 million in kickbacks to the Clinton Foundation, and $500k for a 20 minute speech in Moscow for Bill....Now Putin is posturing and threatening the US with his new found Nuclear weapons ...thanks Hillary...of course the US media fail to make that connection...

    And, going way back to the 90's, of course the US media fail to remember Bill giving North Korea the means to build "3" nuclear reactors and the uranium to boot. That bit of Trivia must have slipped their minds in their fact finding committee at CNN.


    The icing on the cake was that when the treasonous uranium deal was going on (with Russia), none other than FBI Director, Mueller sat on his hands and looked the other way...

    Watch how the media handles all this Clinton-sponsored "shit" when it all comes to light and hits the proverbial FAN.


    Everything will be downplayed as it was just a mistake in the US media..."Sorry" "And in other news tonight expect the winter storm of the century to hit the Midwest"... "And, by the way... "Trump has been re-elected for a second term. "Bernie Sanders has been arrested for child pornography and Hillary Clinton has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease". And Gage is thinking of joining another board... Film at 11.

  8. Any particular diet advice on cutting 50lbs of fat? Male. 38yrs old. Moderately active. Just now getting back in the gym after being off for 2yrs. Thanks


    Take about 4-5 days and write down any and everything you normally eat in a day.

    Cut the refined sugar out of your diet first. Chances are 90% of what you have in your house has either refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup or both in the ingredients

    Then cut the wheat and or corn-based products out of your diet which most likely has a ton of sugar as well in it: Bread, pasta, potatoes (sweet potatoes are ok), chips, crackers etc...


    Don't worry about animal fats, your body will need those fats for energy if it doesn't have simple carbs to use. Fats are good for you !!!!!

    Increase your cardio to at least 30 min 5-6 days a week. fasting is deceptive because if you fast most people think: well I can eat anything I want if I just fast for 12 hours...doesn't work.

    do all that religiously for 6+ months and you will lose weight.


    It took a while to gain 50 lbs so it will take a while to lose 50 lbs.

    Many professional bodybuilders say that being a competitive BB is a 24 a day, 7 days a week job.

    What they're really referring to is watching everything they eat and drink.


    Dieting is simple..it is not easy, however.

  9. I'm not running any 19nors at all. Just, 200mg test, 40mg var, 50mg proviron, and .25mg adex 3x week. If I squeeze my nipples hard, they seem to leak a tiny bit. Does any of your nipples leak if you squeeze them hard? I have no idea how my prolactin would be up


    Also, is proviron strong enough to use as an anti estrogen?

    My first thought is:... why are you squeeziing your nipples in the first place?

  10. "Drugs are a state crime operation. The criminal state uses the music industry and various cult groups some of them satanic as platforms for their multi-billion dollar drug industry. Its the same people who ran the opium trade in the mid-1800's, which led to the Vietcong wars involving the French, English, and US in the 40's, 50's and 1960's. Other industries such as people trafficking for prostitution (including children for pedophilia in high places) are big money programs. The Iraq and Afghanistan wars are wars for the protection of opium and other drugs. You only have to talk to the immigrants who have resettled in the West to realize this is the case. Their family contacts back home, some with high profile contacts in government positions, will tell you the US military are their to protect the business of a criminal network in the West". Ted Gunderson was Murdered shortly after this video was recorded.


    Similar topics on Govt crimes:



  11. bigsport is a semi-private provider but doesn't deal with the general public.

    He can be a bit slow to respond to emails but I think it is because he has a limited customer base

    and if you're not already on that list it can be a little delay in response.

  12. The original GH15 was knowledgeable and interesting to read.

    This new psycho is just trying to make a buck, something the real GH15 didn't care about.

    The real gh15 just wanted to speak the truth about the world of Bodybuilding. To help the average Joe in the gym.

    Those who fight all comers regarding this new act; are vested and have motivation....which they make obvious.

    My part?

    I'm just making observations and pointing to those with ulterior motives and agendas other than the welfare of the average Joe.

    Those less than honest folks, always make themselves known by the rants they confess.

    The original GH15 Bible: https://ge.tt/98CNHaR/v/0

    Combine this Bible with this Podcast:


    add to that.... great genetics and the money to buy those things and its all the info you'll ever need to succeed in BB.


    This GH15 Bible can be downloaded if you click on the download tab to the left on the first page.

    May the 4th be with you.

  13. I immediately thought the same thing when I read Cult Ritual's post, but I believe he was NOT talking about LE finding out or the doctor telling another party; but he was talking about the insurance companies finding out because it's written down in his medical record. Things like AAS, past drug use/abuse, etc. in your medical record can absolutely cause issues for you down the road.


    No, they don't. Insurance companies see current/past diagnosis, not "specific" illicit drug usage or ETOH abuse.

    Regardless, your MD/Urologist will only prescribe medication to treat low levels of natural Test production, low sperm count etc..

    You think Medicare/Medicaid refuses to treat drug addicts or Psych patients who use street drugs if they need to be hospitalized? Of course not.

    You think LE is waiting for a drug addict to be discharged so they can be arrested? No.

    Future employment cannot legally investigate one's medical records either if that's what you're implying.

    Look up H.I.P.A.A. regulations

    So, what issues do you imagine can come up down the road? And from who?


    All that talk about never tell your MD about your steroid usage is BS. The first thing they'll want to know is where you get it from.

    Just say mail order don't get into the internet sources because you'll get a lecture on the obvious things.

    He'll want to know how much how often (usage amounts and frequency). Its good to fill him in, he can do the necessary blood work to keep you healthy.

    Like I said in previous posts Doctors and Psychologist can only divulge info to the authorities if you are suicidal, homicidal or if you admit to physical abuse of another person or rape..that's it.

    Anyway, when it comes to your steroid use, your MD can't help you if he doesn't know the truth.


    But of course, most MD's know less about the usage of steroids than you do.

    That's not the point, however. You're not telling him you use steroids so he can give you advice on what to use or how much to use....

    The point is the MD can do tests to see if any damage has been done and how to treat it.

    If you smoked for 20 years then stopped, then 10 years later you develop lung cancer, was it from smoking? there really is no way to know for sure.

    If your a sober alcoholic and haven't drank since your 30s and develop Cirrhosis of the liver at 63. Was it the alcohol or something else? Again no way to know for sure.

    Insurance companies see "cancer" or "Cirrhosis" they don't have the luxury of assumptions for causes.

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