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AB V.I.P. Member
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Posts posted by valetudo8080

  1. I heated this last shot some and that did seem to help some, maybe heat it a bit longer next time. Thanks




    Thanks i was wondering about that too, have read that happens to some.



    I have 99% of the time always use gluten. My right is not as sensitive as left for some reason. Maybe need to start pinning the quads again, just makes me nervous, lot more veins there.


    Thanks to everyone who answered.

    Very helpful


    do the glutes and shoulders only...stay away from quads unless its just hgh or hcg

  2. just please dont anyone send him gear or cash to test gear.....we have seen this here before......sometimes ends up a scam...so be careful

  3. who really cares what he looks like. Dam. He was a great source great guy and very loyal to this game. SMH at a few here.


    yes.....i agree...everyone should post up a pic and i bet i can get a good laugh here too....the guy is 46 more into guns / tits / money / cars than the gym.

  4. i completely disagree if you note the specifics of this case, with a damn good lawyer this guy can possibly get off on most of the chargers. Will he though? probably not, he doesn't seem too intelligent


    i think he admitted to everything....not sure he can get off ..seems toast

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    thanks...i will be in contact soon.....great service

  6. Yes they did but, there is a lupe-hole in the process brother as the UFC has a turn the head approch as long as your bloods come back at or lower than Nevada Athletic Commission level of 1100 ng/dl and 6:1 nl/mg urine!

    So yes guys still run TrT with no questions asked as long as they stay in the limits, that is why Chris weildman was so pissed.


    i havent had a chance to respond but yes Vitor did seem to still be on enough test to have his levels all over the place...and yes thats why Chris was pissed.


    But my point was Vitor looked like shit....so i guess i should have said no trenbolone in his system or whatever he takes to look jacked...cause he was deflated for sure

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