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Posts posted by 2fresh

  1. Wow morningstar labs. That was the first gear I ever used about 10 years ago. Morning star deca 300. Never thought I'd hear that name come up. That was the start of it all for me!


    I remember the first time I did his Test E and Eq...I blew up in strength and size like never before. Vizion Pharm was the first I've ever used and it was good - Ive been running alpha pharma and oxide for years now but they're pretty much history too =/

  2. That's what I think it's strange. For a while I thought my estrogen was out of control but even on 500mg I had issues. It's actually really frustrating because i just came off unfortunately because it was bad . Now I'm back to normal idk what what was going on

  3. Feeling super good all the time. Without it on cycle I'm up and down with mood

    Mild anti e I don't bloat as much

    I notice better strength

    Very good sex drive all the time

    No wee wee issues... Otherwise without prov I have issues even with anti e

  4. I really don't see it around anymore like I use to. The schering ones were the best. Not even anti e make me feel good on a cycle. Without prov I have way too many side effects. What doses did you run? I always stayed at 50mg a day and felt amazing

  5. What does everyone think of proviron


    I use to use it in all my cycles before... It seems when I stopped incorpirating it my cycles during my cycle my Estro levels were are over the place and had other issues. Is anyone else a fan of it ?

  6. I'm kinda of pissed because I hear people are getting responses and I've been sitting patientily and not one response to me. I just joined some other boards, but I'm not willing to spend all the time on them to post n all that etc. I'm totally behind the loop and finding out everything here unfortunatly

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