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Posts posted by SergioLMT

  1. What's up brothers?!

    I was wondering what your opinions/experience was with Bold Cyp/1 Test Cyp?  I've been cruising on a TRT dose of Test Cyp at 200mg/week, but have an event in August that I want to look in peak shape for so I want to do a blast for 8 weeks leading up to the event.  I completely understand that "tren is the king" and have been incorporating tren into my blasts, but I really would love to give my body a tren break and I've heard Bold Cyp may be a decent replacement that will mimic at least a little of what I'm used to?

    Also, what dose would you suggest?

    Thank you bros!


  2. I've been using RAD (on and off)since Chavo brought it online. I like how it fills me out first of all. You should feel that in the first few days. Not bloat, full bellied feeling. Secondly, my endurance goes up each time, which in turns helps lean you out (or at least for me).

    Since I am always on TRT, I cannot say what it will do while not on the juice. The only draw back for me with RAD, it seemed to bounce my blood sugar. Not sure if has to do drug itself or not, but each time I start it up, my blood sugar is all over the place for a few days. One caveat, I am hypoglycemic. I am sure that may have a factor in it.


    For as cheap as it is, just try it. Log it if you can to benefit the community.


    Thank you so much for that, brother! I'll definitely give it a go.

  3. Morning brothers! I'm so curious to hear your experiences with RAD-140. I'm looking for something (non AAS) to bridge between cycles, and from what I've read this seems pretty promising. Only problem is there isn't THAT much info nor personal experiences I've been able to find. Has anyone used this SARM with good/bad/indifferent results?


    Much respect!

  4. Ah, yeah I forgot that not all pharmacies sell the 60 count boxes. I usually buy from Walgreens - or used to anyway. I moved a while back & there's only two Walgreens in my area.


    You can buy more than that per day, but the pharmacy may put their own limit on the amount/# of boxes, as you found out.


    I'm going to go check Walgreens. A buddy of mine offered to get a few boxes for me since he has no interest in using it himself. lol! :D

  5. Primatene comes in boxes of 60 tablets. If you start @ 25mg/dose, you'll only use 4-6 a day. Plus you can buy a box basically every week. I've done it before & no one looks at your weird or anything when you checkout.


    Ah...damn...my CVS only had boxes of 24 tabs, so I bought two, that's the most they would allow at once.

  6. Dude, you're ripped man, especially for someone who's not prepping for a contest or anything. You're in great shape dude. I would honestly just stick with the test/tren/masteron and keep dieting and training like youve been doing, cause whatever you're doing, it works bro. My dose for masteron is 600-800mg a week. I'm on mast prop @ 200mg EOD, so thats 100mg a day. When iu used to run mast Enanthate, i ran 400mg E4D and that was too much, so i went to 300mg E4D which is 600mg a week. Rock hard muscles, paper thin skin, huge veins from the tren and mast, dry as hell. I wouldnt wast emoney on var or winny if you're running test/tren/mast already but thats just me. I'm sure running winny at t he last 4-6 weeks will give you some extra hadness and maybe a little difference but i doubt it would be enough to notice. Again, just my opinion from personal experience.


    So much appreciated, brother! I'm kinda thinking along the same lines. Why fuck with an already great combo? I don't think the difference would be THAT much more intense either way.


    If you think you have soft abs then I'm a marshmallow lol. Looking solid dude and not soft at all for walking around and not prepping for a show.


    As far as winny vs var, I think either one will give you results you're after as it seems you know how to eat and train already. Go with winstrol since you haven't tried it yet. It could also give you heartburn but it might not so give it a shot. I've used both and never gave winny a real chance and always cut it short since it didn't provide instant gratification like other stronger orals.


    Thank you so much, brother. Yeah, I'm definitely curious. Thank God I still have a few weeks to decide lol

  7. Looking lean brother!


    Thank you so much, bro!


    A bit soft in the abs? Hardly.. Looking pretty damn good if you ask me..


    So much appreciated, brother. I'm my own worst critic (as I know most of us are). I just can't seem to see in the mirror what everyone else sees. I suppose that's what keeps me so strict/motivated. lol!

  8. I'd run anavar around at 50mg throughout the cycle for lean muscle gains white cutting and winny at the last 4 weeks to harden you up and give you that rock hard look but you're already running masteron which is a better than winstrol and makes you rock hard, dry, veiny and grainy, so there's really no need to add winstrol, the masteron will do the same and then some, from my experience. Winstrol will also dry up your elbows and knees so it hurts when pressing or squatting. Just my opinion from personal experience. Never ran winstrol again once I've ran masteron. Masteron is the shit


    Very, cool, I really appreciate that, brother! Yeah, I'm a huge fan of Masteron. The last time I cycled it was (allegedly) Test Ace, Primo Ace, and Masteron Prop but it was all Dynasty shit from January, so who in fucks name knows what I was actually shooting, unfortunately. Not exactly sure what my current bf% is, but I've attached a pic. I know I'm looking a bit soft in the abs, but I think the Test/Tren/Mast will be sufficient with killer training and diet.


  9. Good morning brothers! I just started an 8 week shredder of:


    Test Ace - 100mg/eod

    Tren Ace - 100mg/eod

    Masteron Prop - 100mg/eod


    I want to add an oral to the last 4 weeks, but wanted to get some of your feedback. Which do you prefer? Var or Winny? I've never tried winny before and am incredibly curious to see how it would round off this cycle. Var has been good in the past but gives me insane heartburn. Which do you think is more bang for the buck, so to speak?


    Much respect!

  10. One of my favorites.

    Just finished 16 weeks on his bold cyp. Loved it. Was pleasantly surprised by how much i enjoyed bold. Glad I went with cyp not EQ as I did get some blood pressure issues. However, the fullness and added vascularity were very very nice.


    Now I decided to finish up with 6 weeks on CBL's test suspension. I was planning on adding some Pre-Ban superdrol I have but IDK. I havent felt this good on test alone in a long time. Im running 450mg per week and it is GREEAAAT.


    What were you stacking with the bold cyp, brother? I'm thinking about doing a run of it as soon as he restocks it.

  11. If you can post your daily diet that would be cool.


    Sure brother. Mind you, I carb cycle, so if it's a higher carb day like leg day I'll have another cup of oatmeal with whey, and some brown rice thrown in with one of the meals. Here's a typical day for me:


    Meal 1 - 1.5 cups of oatmeal, 1.5 cups of egg whites blended and cooked like a pancaked (this is also my pre-workout meal since I have to lift early in the day with my schedule)

    Meal 2 - Post-Workout Shake (I use ReKaged by Kaged Muscle)

    Meal 3 - 2 whole eggs, 1/2 cup of egg whites, 1 red potato, 3oz of beef (usually cubed stew meat, whatever's on sale at the grocery store), mixed peppers and onions, 1/2 an avocado

    Meal 4 - 4oz of grilled or baked Cod with grilled peppers/onions

    Meal 5 - 4oz of grilled or baked Cod with grilled peppers/onions (yes, two times in a row since I cook in bulk for the day. just easier to bring with me to work in containers)

    Meal 6 - Grilled chicken breast (size varies, I get the packages of whole breasts and use one, usually between 5-7oz) over lettuce, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, balsamic or apple cider vinegar

    Meal 7 - 1 cup of egg whites, 2.5oz roasted chicken (I buy the Perdue Roasted chickens at the store and just tear off and measure what I need)

    Meal 8 - 1 cup of low fat cottage cheese with 1tbsp of natural peanut butter OR Casein Shake w/Almond Milk (depends on how my finances are any given month since supps are expensive lol)



    I also use Cholula Hot Sauce like it's going out of style. Have to make up for not cooking with salt somehow. lol!

  12. Lowering your test can make you harder and less watery for sure. Also helps people experience less sides from the tren in some cases. That's not usually much of an issue for me and if I'm not going to be competing , I don't think the pros outweigh the cons. I feel like shit when my tren is high and test is low. Messes up my libido and makes me grumpy as hell.


    Oh man, this kinda scares me, because I'm grumpy as hell on tren even when my test is at equal dose lol! ;)

  13. Like the buffalohead said keep it around trt. If you like eod dosing I would go with 50mg eod test, and keep the mast/tren at 100. That would basically give you 175 test per week, and 350 tren/mast weekly. Then you could fine tune your dose the first few weeks.


    Your in great shape. I wish I could make 170 look like that. Being 6ft tall anything under 200 looks like I never have seen a gym.


    Thank you so much, brother! Yeah, I guess the only silver lining to being short is you can look bigger at a lesser weight. lol! ;)

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