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Posts posted by johnjay06

  1. Novos and NDs/Thanks come from different factories. That's why you can buy NDs/Thanks together and have them packed together and pay one shipping cost but if you order Novos you have to pay separate shpping cost. They can't pack Novos with the Thanks and NDs. I want to try the Novos but I'm sitting tight for a bit until I start hearing good reports on the probs with seizures and long waits Nordic seems to be experiencing

    I stand corrected. I just read that on his site, thanks for correcting me man

  2. If i recall, Grizz kicked him off the board, he didn't leave because he wanted to. AND, name ONE good source that constantly changes his name, one? Because ALL of the good ones i know are the same people. It isn't like he is hard to figure out either. I mean really? What more safety is that? Help me out, because i would love to know. Face it, pep/nordic/whoever is a total asshole. I wouldn't touch shit he is behind, ever. There are plenty of people out there that care about their customers and he isn't one.

  3. State ur facts why he's the worse. Aren't you latin bro?


    I don't agree with everything he does, but I don't blame the President for the world. He came into office with 2 wars going on, economy struggling, massive bail-outs, etc. The President of the World won fair and square. He knew he would have people looking at him through a microscope. This is what happens when people vote for the Idea and not the color. You people are just making it hard on the next presidents. Its never gonna be the same again, The disrespect The President gets is only gonna spill over. How does he get blamed for Bp amoungst(?) other shit? Just my 2 cents

    So, because he inherited the shit means he has to run the country into the ground? I am VERY much into who i vote for everytime i vote, so i am not one of those people you speak of. We HAD to have the stimulus package, because it would save everything. It didn't do shit, and anyone who believes otherwise is both blind and naive. I won't even get into it, but a liberal IMO is one of the biggest pieces of shit on the face of the earth. Nobody is entitled to SHIT! ESPECIALLY if you come here illegally. He spent money like it went out of style. And for the BP thing? Nobody blamed him for that. BUT, living on the gulf coast, I blame the FUCK out of him for the many friends and family that lost their job and are still out of work because of the drilling memorantum. And FYI, he is not the president of the "world". He is the laughing stock of papers overseas. And NOBODY EVER gets looked through a microscope more than someone who isn't a democrat. Bush didn't get looked at through a microscope? Yeah ok. I've never seen a president disrespected like Bush was. EVER. Your argument absolutely holds NO water. Hell, the people i do know that voted for him are finally admitting their mistake. AND, i have family all up the east coast, NY on down.

  4. You really think changing your name changes anything and makes you "safer"? I've heard an argument or two that kind of makes sense, but why do you think it works? But if everyone on the boards can figure it out, don't you think that the hordes of LE that are supposedly all over the boards can figure it out, too?


    True Grizz. There are plenty of guys that are still around that have been in business for longer than 10 years. I don't know how changing names does shit

  5. Supposedly it was a local bust and had nothing to do with the forums.


    but yet there is still nothing about it in the papers. Local busts make the news fast

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