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Posts posted by pg4477

  1. Wow!!! did indianajones just call me a scammer?? yea indianajones, you're right, I'm a scammer. I made this huge fucking deal and going through all this bullshit for 4 months all over $130 worth of hcg. Been here for 6 years ordered from various sources with no problems, and randomly decided I want to scam this guy for $130. Gtfo. You took 3 months!!!! to even respond to me!!! Go look back on this thread when I stated that from the get go. Yes I use temporary emails.. for safety purposes, I've never had a problem with another source on this board doing so. If you can't respond to me within 2 whole weeks, then yes I have to make a new email to contact you with. Every time I've ordered from another source on this board, all our business is over and done with within 2 weeks, that includes from making the order to receiving the order. But you couldn't even respond for months until people started calling you out. You want me to show proof of the 4 expired emails I had all involving messages to you over that span of time wanting to know where the fuck my shit was... It didn't even get out until people started posting in this thread wondering where their shit was from you also. Jonny told me himself recently which I can show to the mods that he is dealing with making up for all the people YOU scammed. We've already been through all the bullshit on how you clearly never fucking responded. Finally when I got a hold of you, you said you couldn't send me my hcg because my original post fucked over all your business and you had to make more money first to restock.. then you fucking bribed the shit out of me to send me nolva for me to take back my post about you, which I said no to several fucking times I even told Jonny how you were trying to send me nolva. I think my emails to you were pretty fucking clear on how much of a piece of shit you were but you kept on with bullshit so I did finally say sure you can send me some fucking nolva if you want after getting worn the fuck out of your continuous bullshit. At this point I was already way done with you. Yea I got the nolva, I never denied that... was that suppose to be your compensation after making me wait 3 months on something else that I ordered which was more expensive..? Because that was never ever the context it was put in. You wanted to send me nolva to clear your shitty name. I didn't even fucking order it you insisted on sending me it. Plus this nolva situation happened AFTER jonny was already suppose to be "taking care" of me for your fuck up, but he stopped responding to me at the time..so in my mind I was just well I’ll take what I can get then not even confident that you would even send nolva. Nonetheless, I never received what I ORDERED(THE LISTS I SENT YOU THAT I FUCKING PAYED YOU GUYS FOR), from you or him. I even sent some of our last emails to jonny through PM to show him how full of shit you were. Please show the mods ALL the fucking emails from me dating back since October and not just the select few you want them to see because there were many. Jonny even PM’d me that you are a pill popping piece of shit, so I’m guessing he never relayed that info to the mods because I don’t see how you would have been let back on this board if they knew that. You’re a chump. Jonny if you are backing this guy now, then whatever you guys have going on together, I'm done with. Keep my money $250 doesn't hurt me like it would hurt others. Its the whole concept of bad business. I just hope I might have been able to help prevent someone from getting screwed over in the future.

  2. He already made me aware on monday, which first time hearing from him in 3 weeks since he got my money, that he was out of stock of all the orals I ordered and that I need to reorder with the stuff the he does have in stock... so just to see how full of shit he was, I said fuck it and sent him a new order only the stuff he does have in stock, half of which I didn't even need.. and now he's taking forever to respond to me again ha you're right he's just dragging ass until this situation blows over hoping that everyone will forget about it. Really is pathetic and believe me I know I've ordered from all those sources(besides AM) and I've never ever had such a problem. Only reason I'm giving this guy a go was because his dude fucked me over out of my hcg so had to use the "compensation he gave me" for his list. Think about it, why would he accept my extra money that I'm applying toward his list on top of the compensation he gave me, for an order that he was out of stock on... and on top of it...waits to tell me until 3 weeks after I sent him the money that he's out of stock of just about everything I ordered.


    Not to mention, he just updated his list and the var and dbol that I ordered, do NOT say out of stock, as he so claimed.

  3. He already made me aware on monday, which first time hearing from him in 3 weeks since he got my money, that he was out of stock of all the orals I ordered and that I need to reorder with the stuff the he does have in stock... so just to see how full of shit he was, I said fuck it and sent him a new order only the stuff he does have in stock, half of which I didn't even need.. and now he's taking forever to respond to me again ha you're right he's just dragging ass until this situation blows over hoping that everyone will forget about it. Really is pathetic and believe me I know I've ordered from all those sources(besides AM) and I've never ever had such a problem. Only reason I'm giving this guy a go was because his dude fucked me over out of my hcg so had to use the "compensation he gave me" for his list. Think about it, why would he accept my extra money that I'm applying toward his list on top of the compensation he gave me, for an order that he was out of stock on... and on top of it...waits to tell me until 3 weeks after I sent him the money that he's out of stock of just about everything I ordered.


    Not to mention, he just updated his list and the var and dbol that I ordered, do NOT say out of stock, as he so claimed.

  4. Preciate that Titan. I've done eq before and tren believe it or not. At 18, i got a little excited with gear and probably over did it, ran about 5 cycles within 3 years then layed off 2 years and started back soft with this recent cycle. Tren is the only other cycle that gave me gyno. Deca in the past never has until now. So yea f**k those for the rest of ever. I just loved the lubed joints I got from deca cuz my shoulders are awful. Eq has worked well just takes a little longer to kick in. Might stack it with an oral on my next go. I'm going to pm you Titan if that's alright with you.



    At 23 you will come back, but in your case I guess you should stay away from things like Deca and probably Tren.

    Give EQ a try instead of Deca when you're ready and the other thing is you don't need so much anti E during a cycle , unless your blasting over a gram of test per week. (estrogen is a good thing up to a point)

    Use HCG next time after a cycle.

    Stick with short acting esters in the future.

  5. I legit started developing gyno. Fatty deposits under the nipple..couldn't even get rid of it all. My theory to the cause was that the test was underdosed and the deca was overdosed. Deca with not enough test causes that to happen. However, I woke up today with some slight wood, no cialis taken. So I'm thinking my body is just slowly trying to recover from such a strong pct.

  6. Yea..I've ran deca at 600mg a week and never got deca dick bc I feel like the test always counter balanced it. And I didn't get deca dick while I was on this time either..But been off for 4 weeks now and ran a pretty heavy pct. Never really experienced ED before, I'm just hoping this wont be permanent and my body is trying to kick itself back in gear.

  7. Came off my most mild cycle yet of 300mg test 300 mg deca per week for 10 weeks, sack got pulled up and ball size shrunk, as usual. Started to develop gyno toward the end so had to start my pct early around week 7 20mg nolva Ed with 12.5mg aroma eod and .5 caber e3d. Around week 9 I switched to letro Ed as well as caber eod bc I didn't like the progress I was getting with my gyno. The letro helped alot but after 2 weeks, week 11 my joints were too sore so I switched back to nolva/aroma with caber. Ran that for another 2 weeks, not taking the caber at all the last week then came off everything completely after week 13. So just for clarification:


    Week 7-9: 20mg nolva Ed, 12.5 mg aroma eod, .5 caber eod


    Week 9-11: 2.5 mg letro Ed, .5 caber eod. (Came off the gear after week 10)


    Week 11-12: 20 mg nolva Ed, 12.5 mg aroma eod, .5 caber eod


    Week 13: 20 mg nolva Ed, 12.5 mg aroma eod


    It's week 14 now and my problem is I can barely get hard unless I take some cialis. And when I do get hard it's almost impossible to reach an orgasm. I'm actually wearing my gf out which was pretty cool at first but now im getting a little concerned. And I didn't have a problem with ED during any part of that 13 weeks, not even with the letro, I would get hard as nails with no cialis needed. I never got ED from any of my past cycles either which were much stronger doses. Why this one?? The only thing I can think of is that I ran pct too long. But that's because I developed gyno this time around, something I've also never gotten...with much higher doses of test/deca in past cycles.

  8. About to take igf 1 lr3 for the first time. I'm 23, 6'1 185lb and have done a few cycles before but now want to change it up with just 300mg each eq/testE/masteronE per week with 40mg var per day and then want to add igf. Not sure how much I should run a day, if I need to inject once or twice a day, and what I should reconstitute it with? I don't want to use AA id rather do bac water or bac sodium chloride I hear they help the potency last longer. Which one idk. Also I was thinking running it 4 weeks, but which 4 weeks out of the 12 week cycle..I'm thinking the last 4 weeks to help balls drop back down. Opinions would be greatly appreciated thanks guys.

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