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Posts posted by r2d2

  1. Sounds good Pinnacle, how about madol or aka phera-plex? I absolutely LOVE it!!! I also agree with Myo in if there is a PH version of furazobol (I believe its Japanese) that would be awesome!


    Also, is the Superdrol going to be the original version that sledge came out with from Designer Supplements a few years back?


    DMT (aka madol and phera-plex) is now a schedule 3 substance in the US, so that's probably not gonna happen lol. i gotta admit i love the stuff too. i used it before i knew where to get test and the gains were awesome. too bad it's not around anymore i really think it was up there in terms of gains to sides ratio and easily ranks among the tried and true orals


    and as for superdrol-there's no reason it shouldn't be the same one that DS released as long as the chemical is the same

  2. well, they take the caps off all the needles and just throw them in a bag of course!



    :p just kidding, they're packed very carefully, no worries there

  3. maybe a mod should edit that info in post number 1 if its not TheDictator saying that. The info in the original post is also not what TheDictator originally had posted, his account edited it. idunno whose info that actually is, but if its a scammer posting it, my guess is it should not be in the open

  4. Does that really help? I thought that was just a myth?


    i could imagine that helping if the tabs were pressed so hard and dense that they wouldnt break down during digestion. but if its gonna dissolve in your mouth i imagine it would also dissolve in the stomach as well so idunno... either way it won't hurt to do that so if you think it helps you might as well

  5. ha! i'll probably be doing this too. my girlfriend wants me to, but i won't be doing the one in virginia. the total distance is about 10 miles, and there's no way in hell i could run 10 miles straight lol. the only reason im not worried is because i hear the obstacles are kind of a choke point so a line forms, which means a break from running

  6. tren is one of the best things out there hands down, i would def give it a go at a low dose just to guage ur tolerance cuz not everyone gets the bad sides that come along with it and it really will jakk you up quick, however if ur totally anti-tren halotessin gives a very similar strength and hardness effect but then again halo basically comes with the same risk for side-effects as tren....masteron is a good buy and will lean u out but not really get u as hard and "bulging" as tren will, however u could combine the masteron with some anavar mixed in there and the combination of those two will certainly give u results similar to that of tren without risking so many sides but ur gonna spend a lil more cash


    awesome thanks bro

  7. but if the sides are out weighing the gains u can get similar results from other things


    hey CF what do you recommend as an alternative tren? just wondering because i never plan on using tren but the gains do seem tempting. i picked up some masteron for a little down the road, no need for me to use it yet

  8. this is how i eat my tuna:

    open can and squeeze out all the water. put the tuna into a bowl. keep adding either spicy brown mustard, wasabi, or tabasco sauce until the tuna is moist enough to stir. mix it up very well to break the tuna into small pieces (about as small as you think they'd be after chewing). you can then just take big spoonfuls and swallow them without having to chew and endure the disgusting taste of canned tuna (at least its disgusting in my opinion). just chase it down with orange juice. i can eat an entire 7 oz can of tuna and use only 6 oz of orange juice

  9. Yeah, PH's were basically a waste of money. Had good gains with them but hell to try and keep them once I was off. I've been training hard for the last 3 years 5 days a week.


    my favorite cycle ever before i used test was dmt (p-plex) at 30 mg. it was very good stuff, put a lot of lean meat on me. wish i had more. one of my buddies is running some right now with test e and loving it. i still have quite a stock pile of superdrol too. it also goes very well with test...puts ripped muscle on you and gives crazy strength.


    also bro keep in mind you're going to lose some gains no matter what when you come off regardless of what you used

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