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Posts posted by zonebreaker

  1. I do snatch grip deads once a week. A carryover movement from my olympic lifting days. I like them because they're different. They hit the lats hard because of the wide grip. You can't bounce off the floor or you'll lose form. It's a strict movement. I do 3s, 5's, and 10's. I'm getting old (55) but still pull 182.5kg for 5.

  2. I've had 3 umbilical hernia repairs. The third one had the mesh put in. I went ten years between the second and third one. I was never in any pain but decided it was time to repair it. I recovered in 4 weeks. Doc couldn't believe it (was taking 200mg of Test Enan per week - it doesn't take much to help). 6 weeks post surgery I was balls to the wall again. Get it fixed. The break from the heavy weights will do your CNS some good.

  3. I have a home gym. It's 500 square feet. I have a two station lifting platform 8'x16'. I have a power rack, squat stands, bench, 4000# olympic weights (mostly bumpers because I used to compete in olympic lifting), dumbbells in pairs from 5-50, 65, 75, 85, 100, 115s, 4 bars, hyper bench, and leg press.


    You can get by with a power rack, bench, and about 1000# weights. Basics, that's all you need for them.

  4. HIPPA prevents the doc from notifying the police so I wouldnt worry about that.

    I would be much more concerned about the insurance company find out and dropping your policy.

    You will also have to pay more if you get a new one since you are now considered high risk.


    Totally agree! The insurance company will drop you and you'll have a hard time getting anyone to carry you at an affordable price.

  5. TNE wont stay in ur system long, but becuz its pure test it will dramatically spike ur test levels and even if its out of ur system its still gonna take a few days for ur body to drop its testosterone levels on its own....if at was 1500 it was def alot higher when it peaked in ur blood and that was just the remnants of it....u didnt mention how long it was between ur last shot of TNE and ur blood work so its hard to tell how high it maybe have been be4 hand


    Last shot was on Tuesday evening and did bloodwork on Friday morning.

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