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Posts posted by ieenterprises

  1. DFL is a class act and a good man, he has set a good example of how things should be done. If he is gone he went out with dignity and respect we thank him for what he has done and hope that others follow in his path. So many try to burn others on the way out and ruin their reputations and it will always come back to haunt you. I thank DFL for going out on top and for always being there for the community.

  2. DFL I understand the situation you are in things get like this at times. I have been on this board for many years and your reputation speaks for itself. I will be patient and have no doubt that you will come through for everyone like always. I appreciate the update and have a good weekend.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. The sad part of this whole issue is the fact that in the beginning this guy Dynasty was a personal friend of the infamous Caged Freak. Caged Freak went out of his way to say that Dynasty was a great guy and honest guy and would never do anything to hurt anyone. Looks like that was a lot of propaganda to get everyone to start using him. How much free shit do you think he got for this promotion. If this were my board I would ban him also.

  4. OK its been like 5 days since this Idiot has been on the boards endangering every ones security and he has not been deleted yet who is running the show around here. Like the Patriots say DO YOUR JOB WELL and delete this fuckin asshole. Im sure everyone agrees. Looks like he is from Arizona where the bust was when the EROIDS idiots went down he looks like an EROID and that board is where all the busts are coming from they don't know what they are doing like TRUMP said they being led by VERY STUPID STUPID people ha ha ha

  5. I have 2 kinds right now I have a bottle sealed and in the bottle there are lighter blue ones. The ones I got from Big last week did not come in a bottle and were darker blue. They are both legit im sure Big knows what is going on. Its been a week and I can feel the strength so the dark ones are working just as good as the lighter ones in the bottle so all this about color is just Drama my advice just eat the bastards and grow LOL.

  6. Good man PD buy where there is panic Ive been doing this for years and made a huge amount of money I got CHK at 16.00 per share and symbol OIL at like 11.00 per share I have 20,000 shares combined and looking for the 6 figure pay day. In 2008 I hit huge when I bought apple for 52 a share and sold at 650 per share and no one would listen back then because the Iphone had just come out. I listened to my gut feeling and lets just say I live Debt free no mortgage a lot of cash on hand and life is good. If oil rebounds im gona do it again.

  7. Ive gota say that Strango is legit and I don't think personally that he would ever put EQ for Primo that's just my opinion. Ive done his primo and it was not EQ because to me EQ sucks it does not work for me and I would have known in a couple of weeks if it wasn't. All products from him worked well for me ive been in this game for longer than most I used to mail order from XL Research back in 1996 and Paul who ran the company was a good friend of mine Ive been to the UK several times to visit operations back in the day. I used to use Primo from Schring it started off in tan amps with green lettering then changed to clear bottles with the white labels. I know what primo does and and how it feels and mine was not EQ from strangeo just sayn.

    Also I read about when SMP was in the hospital and he needed a bottle of test to help him heal and Strango helped him that's a true good man and SMP just so you know if you ever in the hospital or down an out again get in touch with me I will help you bro in a heart beat. I will send you out a bottle ASAP to help you brother im doing well over here and I will help a dedicated bodybuilder in a heart beat. Ive got a man with liver cancer in my home gym and he was a NPC champion I have made several donations to him and his family while he was in recovery now we are real good friends. That's what its all about. We on this board are suppose to be fighting against LE not fighting with each other.

  8. Ive Always used Strango's gear for years I never had a problem what he is going through is very serious and he is getting fucked over. I will stick by him because that's what im about. I have had gear crash before heat the shit up and its fine if you don't want it to crash stop storing it in cold places. The reason people store in cold places because they don't want their girlfriends to find it. Its not Strango's fault come on guys he will be back.

  9. Yes listen to ghg he is right you gotta watch out for chinese pulling shady shit with their GH some no name brands are peptides, a little hcg. Dont forget these mother fuckers put lead in the toys made by the company Martel to hurt our children and they will do the same type of shit again they dont like us very much over there. Sorry to say it but I went over there on business before and I have scene the way they treat their own people and its not good at all bro. Thats why this board is so important all the stuff that is on here is so helpful.

  10. Hey bro check this out I have been making protien fudge for night time. Take 3 sccops of syntha 6 and some almond milk then a half cup of almond butter and mix it up. Put in a small pie pan and freeze for a couple hours. Man is this stuff good and its good for you.



    So I am good during the day. I guess because I am more busy. But at night I feel like I havent eaten anything even after a good dinner. I am ravenous and usually cave in and eat junk.


    Is there any supplements that I could take to blunt my appetite at night. If I try to restrain and not eat then I cant sleep worth a damn.


    Thanks for any thoughts or suggestions.



  11. I said the same thing bro but with in 12 days after I was back in the gym going light but I was back. Plus I got it done in winter time so taking a couple weeks off is not a big deal. The GH is healing it fast as hell and boy it looks a hell of alot better now too my stomache looks more flat because the lump is gone and appearence is key in this sport thats for sure. I dont think you have to worry about the mesh as long as you have Test and GH you will heal fine brother LOL.



    i have one, but im too anal to get it fixed cuz i dont wanna take time off the gym, and not to mention the recent recalls and medical malpractice lawsuits as a result of the mesh to fix the issue being faulty freaks me out
  12. I just got mine done 12 days ago I went back to the gym after 2 weeks and did things that did not put stress on your core. I did alot of pectec for chest and alot of leg extensions for legs.You can do arm stuff as long as your core is isolated. To me it feels good just to be able to do this much such a short time after and besides I know the GH is healing me extra fast LOL. What ever you do dont be like my lifting partener he went to fast after his and tore it open again then he had to get a second operation right in the middle of summer so he was pissed. Good luck Qbert.

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