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Posts posted by MrT

  1. 10mg primo ace tabs? Must be for females as men need minimum 100-15g per day. I’ve run it many times. Any ETA on when primo E will be restocked? I’ve been away from the board for awhile but Karius has always had excellent products. Just hard to catch what I want in stock. 

  2.    Used to get some good transdermals from a good bro that recently went down. He made me some bold base and nandro base that was killer. I’ve brewed my own fina but that’s about it as far as lab experience. I did some research and found a few different carriers that people like but they are hard to find as far as to buy. The one that most people likes was called topical matrix. Can’t find it anywhere. The other is phlojel ultra. Anyways I’m pretty damn clueless as far as how to go about this. Even the write up on basskiller about making fina transdermal with the phlojel is pretty hard to comprehend. If anyone can help me out I’d appreciate it. Pm me 

  3. HCG, trying to make a baby. I'd be grateful for advice on a fertility protocol.


    Have you checked out Dave Palumbo’s fertility protocol? It basically HCG and HMG and clomid. He was kind enough to respond to my email and help me out.. I used to train at a gym he used to train at back before he got a pro card. Very nice guy- I know some guys bash him but he did the right thing by me for sure.




    Here's my PREGNANCY PROTOCOL. Just use this. You can also add in TESTOLYZE at 3 pills 2x per day

    1. 75 IU HMG (Human Menopausal Gonadotropin) every other day until pregnancy occurs.
    2. 2000 IU Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) every other day until pregnancy occurs.
    3. 50mg Clomid (clomiphene citrate) 2x a day until pregnancy occurs.
    4. DO NOT TAKE ANY ANABOLIC STEROIDS or Hormone Replacement (HRT)


    Dave Palumbo

    • Like 1
  4. didn't really appreciate his mt2. I got sick from it and a couple of others I know got sick as well. It was short term thankfully. Reminded me of some of the stuff eminence was moving . Felt like I was kind of dying


    Well damn- I got sick from it too. Didn’t do much as far as tanning either. Or libido. HCG seemed very underdosed and I have like 20 vials left

  5. I bought a pair of adjustable kettlebells on amazon that go up to 36lbs. Also have a 45lb one. That’s it. And I swear to you I’ve been using just these for the past week and a half and feel great. I even look better than before the gyms closed. I guess my muscles are being worked differently than they have throughout my entire life. I also neglected much of the core work I should’ve been doing over the years. When you are in your 20s and 30s and look in the mirror and like what you see- you tend to work on aesthetics more than let’s say the foundation. I’m 49 now and before this shit happened I was keto dieting, fasting etc thinking that was the solution to my distended gut. Now I’ve been basically forced to do a good amount of core work with kettlebell swings etc. I’ve also been doing 4 sets of planks and 4 sets of leg lifts almost every day and I definitely see improvement in my core and aesthetics. Blessing in disguise I guess. With that said- for you younger guys here- don’t ignore your core no matter how good you look now.

    • Like 1
  6. And no more pics from me for a Few years. I met my quota. The fellas will have a field day with this and this thread will move from 40yr cycles to playful gay harassment lol.


    Very impressive physique brother. Mine is very similar but your abs and upper chest better than mine. I too have the same exact issue with my legs. The outer part of my thighs is just impossible for me to get to grow. I even adjust my positioning so that I feel the muscle burn at the spot where my weak point is but shit it won’t grow. The inner part by the the knees gets big but the outer- nada. Same with my upper chest and lower outer chest. I’m beginning to think it’s just genetics at this point for me. Yours is obviously due to a serious injury but the Aesthetics of your upper body is on definitely on point. Also- I agree... getting old sucks!!!!! . Believe it or not, the gyms being closed has been a good thing for me as I bought a set of kettlebells. Been doing some swings and some core work that a lot of bodybuilders neglect over the years. Even in my 30s and early 40s I had abs like yours but now at 49 I wound up getting a distended stomach. Many people believe this is from gh/insulin or years of steroid use. I firmly believe that most guys my age that get this- it’s from a weak core. I’d say 90% of guys who are even jacked and in their 20s and 30s neglect their core simple because they look great in the mirror. Problem is that once you hit 45 or so- for some reason you see what I mean.

  7. Deca 500/week

    Sten - 2ml per week. (100mg test cyp, 50mg test ace, 50 mg dhea/ ml )


    cycle feels great. Very little water retention. Nice full toned muscles. Only issue I’m having is libido is shot. Thought the dhea would prevent it since my test is low. Not sure but maybe when the cyp kicks in more it will do the trick? Any suggestions besides getting bloods?

    • Like 1
  8. They're fine. I have way older TNE from GAULS that I still use.


    I had to revive this thread to add this. While cleaning out a closet I found a shrink wrapped box of shaving oil from GAULS. This has to be from 2006 or 07. I would think this may not. E usable anymore or worth even trying. But damn it’s pretty I’ll take a pic later


    This, plus there's a box you can check anonymously that will have them dispose of the blood, and not use it if you are so inclined.


    Resurrecting this old thread after a search brought me to it. I like this idea of checking that box and was wondering if it’s possible to just donate blood that way or do they test your blood first abd only take it if you qualify? My other question may sound crazy but I’m curious if it’s possible to have someone just take your blood at home using the blood donation kit. I really need to donate some blood but just have anxiety about the whole thing and then testing my blood etc.

  10. Very nice indeed. I may pull the triggger just nervous about delivery getting to me. The other thing is that I see the lowest price at 12$ for 30. How many needed to get the 9$ price? I would love to try the primo and post a review on the board. Definitely a product guys will be interested in but im sure guys are always apprehensive to order coming from your location as well as very big market on counterfeit amps. But.... when you do get LEGIT primo the results are amazing. So I’m thinking about this just nervous about the mentioned reasons.

  11. Well I’m able to post here in the general discussion but an unable to post in the sponsor threads because it says I’m not authorized to view the page. I can view the page but am unable to post a reply. Anyone else have this issue and/or know the fix?

  12. His test ace was great- tren good, bold cyp was great. Primo I’ve used many times but don’t think it was legit but then again most guys primo isn’t and I’m only going by the comparison against primo Amps I was getting from turkey which were amazing. I think the issues came once he started carrying the gh.

  13. I call bullshit in that as I’ve used seros I used to pick up straight from the pharmacy and I’ve also used at least 5k it’s of generics and also several boxes of seros that were bought on the black market and not in the pharmacy. Let me just say that the ones I got in the pharmacy gave me a completely different look than the others. Most generics gave me the carpel tunnel but bloated me. Some did nothing at all, the seros I bought on the black market were obviously fake. Real gh will give you abs and a v taper in about 10-12 weeks when used with AAS. You will drop at least 2 inches in the waist and although it doesn’t happen overnight- the change of your aesthetics is drastic

  14. Dnp


    DNP is garbage and I can't believe people still use it. You don't need DNP to lose weight. How about decreasing your consumption of carbs, and doing cardio?

    But that's too much work and most people don't have the discipline, so lets use DNP and risk our healths, with the potential of death. Makes perfect sense to me..


    I was talking strictly about effectiveness and was not promoting DNP. If you are going to start bringing up diet and lack of discipline then you can basically criticize someone for using any performance enhancing drug. The fact is that the most diffficult thing to do is to burn fat while maintaining as much muscle as possible. When use properly -DNP does that far better than Clen or ECA. I get your point if you want to label DNP as a shitty and poison drug cause it is but I disagree with saying people who use DNP don’t have the discipline to diet. I’ve used DNP and my diet and discipline at the time was at the best it ever was I my life. It’s just that when you are a certain size you need more than diet and discipline.

  15. pretty much the same reason I stopped using clen and started using ephedra.


    say for example,,,there is a fat burning scale


    clen is a 8

    ephedra is a 3

    bunk clen is a 0


    3 is better than 0, and from what im reading most clen is bunk


    And DNP is a 15

  16. I couldn’t agree more here, best I’ve ever looked was on 200 test and 1g primo. When the primo is legit not much compares in my book. No sides for me and great gain only down side is the cost.


    Yep. The cost is a big downside. If I knew it were legit it wouldn’t be but the amount of money combined with the risk is the reason you don’t hear as many people raving about it,

  17. Ive always used 400mg and responded well to it. I do however stack other aas for total mg/weekly. This year I used 350mg test E, 400mg primo, 300mg eq, and 30mg var daily and achieved contest ready shape in 8 weeks.


    Just curious- when you say contest ready do you mean bodybuilder contest ready or physique? Most bodybuilders require higher dosages to maintain that size while dieting. I’m sure your diet is playing a very large role in your look. You can take 3x the amount you do and would be useless unless the diet is on point. Hard for me to tell what is doing what anymore when I’m stacking several things. Like right now I’m on primo with test and low tren and mast. Not sure what’s doing what lol.

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