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Posts posted by daron_e

  1. Not worth it. Used it exclusively several years back was straight from cvs. If you could get them for 50-60 a bottle sure why not but at 110 absolutely not worth it. Noticed no difference between UG.


    Agreed. Same experience here. Good UGL and there is zero difference. Except the inflated price of course.

  2. I try to do rotator cuff exercises before every workout. I do just enough to get some blood flow to the shoulders, and stretch. This has virtually eliminated my shoulder pain.


    If you have shoulder pain there is a company called intelleskin that makes shirts that help with shoulder pain and posture. I have 2 of them and they were also a big help in getting my shoulders pain free.


    I do this as well before chest..L flies mainly. Very helpful.

  3. You know what I tried cialis 4-5 years ago and the only thing I got was a raging head ache!


    Sounds like the might have been Viagra if it was UG BF...always get bad headache with it. Cialis never gave me anything like that. Oh and the most plugged up nose with V as well.

  4. For maximum potential:

    For sex, take it a few hours before, personally I find it takes awhile to fully kick in.

    Preworkout, I'd say an hour beforehand.


    Evenso, one dose in the morning will get the job done both ways.


    This.. Exactly the same for me. I actually get better erections hours later.

  5. Just wondering. They're a new club all over near me. They rock 3 patch but r basicly a cop club.


    Cop club?..There are corrections officers where I work that have a "club" if u wanna call it that. Very different from what I would call a club.

  6. Thanks think its more injury freakn figures ill never be able to build legs cause only thing I ever get injuries on


    Preaching to the choir brother...Go look at my leg pics in the injury forum. I have had tons of setbacks over many years.... Especially with legs..I built them..And mine were sticks..Be patient..And don't give up....Ever.

  7. You definitely have to sign up expecting to be in for a hazing. But it gets better after you hold your own for a bit.

    More idiots there then everywhere else put together. But some really good guys too. It has it's place.


    Oh yeah..I joined long time ago..Just never read anything..I went there to check out a post by Geogroup..Who I have much respect for..Just seemed like lots of newbies and shitloads of flaming lol...Not necessarily a bad thing..

  8. Meso isn't a great example to follow imo there is so much shaddiness on that board, it doesn't surprise me that they would protect scammers.


    Meso lol.. Recently checked that place out for the first time. Fucking wild west over there.

  9. well said Bigfoot


    Bigfoot is spot on..Gained 30 lbs on my first cycle of original dust redijects ...But I ate and trained like a man possessed...Setting my alarm to wake in the middle of the night to drink a shake. And keep in mind..I don't hold water so that was mostly muscle. People just up the dose these days ..Party..Eat like shit..And think the drugs will do the work. Kinda sad really. Especially with all the info out today.

  10. Glad to hear it was nothing "major" you tuff old bastard;)



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    It was bad for sure..But I always look at the bright side.. Could have been a break..And I would have been down and out. Tough part was going back to work..And basically bullshitting my way to letting me stay..I have 260 hours vacation built up..But sitting home doing nothing ain't for me brother... Besides..I am the only big fucking male nurse in the prison...And if one of the girls had gotten hurt or attacked while I wasn't there..I don't think I could forgive myself..The inmates had alot of assaults on staff before I started..I helped change that cuz the majority mind their manners when I am around. They are intimidated when they know I am around and I wanna keep it that way lol.

  11. wait was there any tear anywhere? that's a fast recovery in a month!


    No tear.. Though multiple docs looked at it and reviewed the film's twice because it didn't seem possible there was no break..But a seven inch shin bone contusion..I have had many broken bones... Stabbed once.. Beaten by two dudes with baseball bats when too drunk to fight back (repaid that debt later lol....Lots of stitches... Multiple surgeries.. And nothing hurt this much.. Upped the GH to 15 IU the day it happened.. Lots of protein... Healed fairly fast for 44 years old for sure..Still going lighter on legs..High reps...And as for how it happened...I just slipped..Fell forward.. Nothing to grab onto..And it hit perfectly on the only fucking jagged flagstone I have on my walk. Very painful recovery but not being able to train legs hard bothered me more than anything. Oh and same leg I broke years ago with tib fib fracture.

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