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Posts posted by wutang

  1. Why are we still talking about IGF tests for HGH. Igf tests are irrelevant to hgh. Numbers dont mean crap. 320 300 500 whatever none of that is related to hgh. Word is there might be some igf in the rips and thats y the levels are so high. I wouuldnt want to go with a product when there numbers are thru the roof compared to others. The consenus with hgh is with these silly tests in the 300's. Over on outlaw someone that is running a american pharm brand hgh came back in the upper 3's. Now really something in the 5 or 6 hundreds give me a break. Everything and I mean everything that comes from china should be in the close range in the 3 hundreds.. This is just my opinion though. O im sure everyone is testing there levels the same as everybody to injecting to eating to what they ate etc.... You get the point. Peace


    Exactly! If igf levels were an accurate indication of HGH use WADA and others would have been using it long ago in testing Olympic and professional athletes.


    They are still working on an accurate method and it won't be too long before HGH use is detected.

  2. Yes Defiant has the best gh on the market. his kigs are legit and it is a SERIOUS product.


    legit kigs, thanks, brown tops (which became hyge) are all quality legit gh. Defiant's kigs are just pharm grade, he got legit kigs. i verified myself it is as good as pharm grade. i do not think you will be able to get any better gh out of mother china.


    I'd like to encourage everyone to say a silent prayer every night to protect DL and kigtropin and that they stay in biz and on the market for a long time to come.

    When you get a product like kigs word will spread fast and fakes start popping up.

  3. The 2 chinese gh which worked the best on me were kigtropin 2009-2010 and brown tops 2005, both of them decreased my blood glucose levels slightly. it wasnt serious hypo, just decrease in blood glucose level. gave me slight headache made me crave something sweet. both of those gh worked so fast that i was suspecting for a while it was double the dose...may have been.


    my nails grew so fast on those 2 gh that i have no doubt in my mind they were stronger than any other gh out there. results were superb to any other gh i have tried (thanktropin is close second)


    the results out of the kigs and brown tops (later became hyge) were same as any american pharm gh out there.


    How would you rate Thanks compared to the kigs and brown tops? I used some brown top from chinabases back in the late 1990s early 2000. They were 2iu or 4iu vials. Was this the same brown tops. I think they had different size vials. Can't remember now.


    When China had that bust some time ago it seemed that kigs dropped off the market. I was going to order some for hglocal but it seems he stopped receiving them and what he did receive was questionably reading Micro's experience. I know one person who ordered off a website using the name kigtropin but it was bunk, I've read on another board that their kigs had green tops. I've seen DL's kigs and though I haven't used them this is the real kigs. They are blue tops, has kigtropin printed in caps on the flip top, and is not powdery but a solid puck. Almost looks kind of shiny. Judging by my friends response and comments short of getting HG hgh straight from a pharmacy this is as good as hgh is ever going to get. this is the best ug hgh right now. equal to pharm grade.

  4. Having used both Provider and HK I can say without a doubt that Provider's rips are not Homer's rips. Huge difference. Does anybody have any theory as to what Provider is providing that causes this insane water rentention? Never experience anything like it. And it was at 5ius a dya. Having swollen ankles and a moon face is not an indication that the HGH is potent.

  5. Seriously, not trying to be a dick but just a clarification about something said on the "Board has changed" thread that was closed. Also, I am very well aware that this board can be run anyway that admin sees fit. It's up to us to accept the rules and policies or not and go somewhere else.


    It was said in the closed thread that everyone's feedback is welcomed. Does that include negative feedback or does it have to be cleared with staff first? I mean, say you don't have an issue with service but you feel the product didn't perform like how you are use to. Say it caused unusual pain or swelling? Say maybe it was under filled by a cc or so or that it's cloudy? Or maybe the crimp was kind of loose and would break off like some of the old Axio stuff did. Can this be spoken of openly or does it have to first be cleared?


    I guess what I'm asking, again just to be clear, do you have to clear any criticism whatsoever with staff first and that the feedback section is primarily reserved for praise?

  6. For what it's worth,I don't come to forums to score gear everyday.I made a lot of friends at AB,and was a member before JA and Mutant came on board.I'm still good friends with bros like Diesel14 and Bubba,and many others.It's like the most active guys never existed,new dudes popped up to keep things rolling,just not the same or right,imo.But like K said won't last forever,and it's not a social network.


    gunslinger is ok by me,starts some shit but at least he's not a pussy.


    daron's a cool bro too,for sure.^^


    This where maybe I'm not getting it. If it's not a "social network" a place where we all share a common interest and talk about all things related then what is it? Is it just a source board and the other stuff is just window dressing. ?

  7. The only thing I think sucks is no Mutant and JA. I realize a bunch of guys on an internet forum are not owed an explanation of why they are not here. But I do wish I had one because they contributed ALOT to this board and it's members.


    It was JA that got me on this board. All he did was refer me to the link where you could talk openingly about a source and how you were treated. I understand you have to have proof but sometimes it's not easy to do. If anything, people are quick on the trigger to praise a source. Most are reluctant, as I am, to criticize one because you know someone will give you shit. But sometimes it gets so bad, MODs aren't helping, and you have to say something. That's what I did regarding ghpro/Freeman and I got banned. Even though others were having the same problem they just got booted until ghpro just disappeared with people's money, including my own. Going through that thread JA referred me to was a shock. You could talk openly, actually name names which force them come on here and tell their side.


    When the "new and improved" board reopened minus JA.Mutant I did slowly noticed things changed a bit. And it wasn't alway about breaking rules. Daman misinterpreted my post about some of the sources. I was actually complimenting them that they are so top tier that they have guys standing in line waiting for their doors to open when there are so many out there with their always wide open. I've always felt that it's a good sign, considering the biz, that they close down temporarily until they're open and ready to go 100%. Even when they are "partially" open, meaning they are not on Sabbatical but just need a week or so to catch up. This obviously shows that they are not going take anyone's money until they are ready to deliver. All this got deleted. Daman never got to hear my explanation other than my admittedly overreacted immediate response. And, of course, Defiant, being Daman's friend did't see it either and banned me even though I've done biz with him before.


    I know it's not my board and they have to do what they think is best for everyone but I also know I now watch what I say. It's not like how it was before. And I don't want to come here as much. I mean, I try to. I force myself to log on and post to establish a rep and post count for future business. But it's not really that much different than other boards now except I trust the sponsors here more than I do on other board. I feel they do look out for us in that sense and are not going to take anyone willing to pay a fee and if trouble arises they will look out for you.


    I guess that's pretty much as good as it gets considering the times we live in.

  8. Test E starts working a lot sooner than that 3-4 weeks BS. For you to have gained 5 lbs in two weeks on 500mg/wk of Test E is not uncommon at all. And Tren is not the only compound that can give you the sweats or night sweats. Sounds like you just have some legit Test E to me.


    And as far as the pins and needles go, I don't know what youre getting at but, whoever you got it from did not spike your stuff with hgh. That just wouldn't work. Lol.


    We can only wish our gear was spiked with a super hgh that remains stable in oil indefinitely.

  9. Don't have much experience with peptides but I was in the same boat your in right now about that age maybe a year or two older, can't remember exactly. Must be the age thing lol... but anyway I took the hgh route and was able to start putting some new muscle on again, started feeling better and losing the midsection.

    As long as you got the right supplier you won't be dissappointed if you go the hgh route. It's been 5 years since and I haven't stopped using it since.


    What kind of dosages are you runnin?

  10. Peps Novos arrived fast, well packed & top quality, as expected!! Have been on for a few weeks now & very happy with quality, price & product!!

    Got proper 'pumpkin hands' from his product at the minute & pumped up like a beast!!


    I was just going to place an order and had the extra cash on hand but FUCK! and unexpected huge expense just came up. It's going to be a couple of months for me at least. I'm now down to 2iu/day nursing my last kit of Red Tops. Damn! I wish I was rich

  11. It's posts like these that are GEMS on the boards, as hell some people (it never even crossed my mind or even thought to research out) the whole switcharoo with the GH and IGF, especially nowadays with all the stuff coming from a certain continent.


    It's very difficult to get "products" tested nowadays as it's illegal for companies here in the US to test for regular John Q, but there are places abroad that will test for you, but then you have the customs things as sometimes the same countries that ship anything/everything to us here, won't accept the same things they ship out in!!!


    Either way excellent post TM!!


    So are you saying that it's getting more comment to substitute igf for HGH?

  12. Thank you very much for this post combat, It is right on, sorry guys but the board has been closed for a bit do to keeping everyone there safe. as said from the member mpressmc, the board is not about making money at all, but about keeping its members happy and safe. Thank you mpressmc!! It is a small private board and if anyone signs up with out a ref they will get deleted or banned as spam. It is programmed that way to help me stop all the spammer. so if this happens to you please sign back up with a ref or email me and let me know. Thank you guys.


    And to op: the board is closed to registration unless you have been referred by a member. It's a good board with a lot of safety minded members. We don't have drama and by keeping it closed we significantly limit the chances of people coming on that just cause problems. Just keep your eye out and maybe they will open up for a limited time soon.


    Anybody here post on GetBig. That's where I have the most posts lately under a different userid. Maybe I can get a referral that way.

  13. i get the point ur going for, basically if ur estrogens are all down to zero or close to zero u can pump 10,000mg 15,000mg or any other super high dose of test a week into ur body and what ur body is going to do in turn is basically for lack of a better term fight with the gear ur taking becuz the E is tooooooo low, so basically what happens is what happened to me my test levels dropped from almost 30,000 down to 6,000 in a very short time despite being on the same amount of gear and i got very sick cuz the high doses i was on where counterproductive with the zero estrogen and my endo said for lack of a better word my body was battling with the gear because the ratio was way off.....and yes it is dose dependant but im my personal opinion based on my personal experience its just too strong unless u want to bring ur E down that low with HCG MCG and other things to try to get ur body back to normal and get ur gyno in check...but not everyone is as sensitive to it as me, i run ALOT of gear, and i neevr take more the 25mg aromasin a day (unless im 10days out from a show) and have neevr had a gyno issue so perhaps im especially sensitive to anti-E thats why i had such a severe reaction, but i kno a few other top bodybuiolders who have had a similar prob with letro and they stay clear of it completly....but like i said if it works for u then more power to ya my friend:p


    Hmmm, interesting. Must do some research.

  14. letro generally shut estrogen completly off, down to zero in most people, if ur estrogen is that low ur test has a hard time staying hish cuz ur body fights to balance out the equation...if ur getting ur blood work done and the letro is working for u and for garnetngold then keep with it, but alot of people find it counterproductive becuse it lowers E tooooo much i wasnt saying its the worst thing in the world to take just saying its a lil too strong for the average person taking a.a.s. who just wants to keep the estrogen in check but thats just IMO everyone is diff.... example my test levels were at 28,000 but my estrogen was 385 i took letro cuz i thought i needed it and got very sick and couldnt get out of bed...my estrogen dropped to zero and my test dropped to 6000 in 10 days!!! my body was fighting the high test levels cuz of the missing estrogen thats why i generally advise against it cuz if its too strong for me its generally too strong for most people i would think but again thats just my opinion if its working for u then by all means keep it up:)


    Hmm, I still don't understand. I understand how estro being too low can effect your gains but how does it make Test disappear. Say you pound 2g a week Test E with no letro or any ai/ae. And just say you test at (just making this up) 3000ng/whatever. Then you start taking a pill a day of letro. I can see how your estro drops but why the Test? You are no longer making any of you own Test so it's all coming from the 2g/wk. Why would it have a hard time staying high when it's just pumped right in? Especially when it's divided into ed/eod injects. Your body is constantly getting rammed with a fresh blast of testosterone. There's no time to achive balance or homestasis. That's why 5'10 230lb 6% is not natural ever. What happens to the Test? It's not being converted to estro. Does it convert more to DHT? Where does it go and what is it converted to?

  15. 3iu is a lil on the low side for someone ur size IMO, its hard to say how much gh is beneficial without knowing ur age, bodywieght and bodyfat but u look like a tall dude and prob wiegh around 220lbs lean from ur pic, i'd recomend 3iu split up 2x a day for 6iu total, test and deca should never be in equal amounts, rule of thumb for most people is to at least double ur deca dosage in test, so if u wanna run 600mg deca (which is alot IMO) u should be on at least 1200mg test to balance it out if not more...and the letro is going to completly shut u down estrogen wise to the point that its gonna be coutnerproductive to the gear ur taking, if ur estrogen is at zero its very hard for ur body to maintain a high test level no matter how much gear ur on....the lower chest fat u speak of my not be gyno it may just be fat that can be burned off, try to do alot of flatbench flies and decline flies make that the dominant part of ur chest workout for a few weeks and see if it tightens up, and if it turns out that u do have gyno thats in a very advanced stage u need to take care of that issuse by itself either thru surgery, or thru a letro caber hcg mcg thing for a few weeks.....because trying to use gear with letro isnt going to make the problem go away its just gonna make it worse, and forget about having sex, letro with deca, ur dick will be noothing more then a pisspump lol


    Why would the amount of letro have anything to do with his Test level. Before I knew better I use to take letro at a tab a day while of 750-1000mg Test/wk. When I got my levels tests my Test levels were off the chart while my estro was very low.


    I think it's much better for him to bump the gh from 3-6 iu. In fact, I'd like to see him hit a vial a day. But going from 3 to 6ius doubles the cost and starts to get pricey. When you start to close in on 300/month just for gh we normal guys with some over head (like young hungry mouths, mortgage/car/school payments, and of course gear) start to wonder "I could get a new car with zero down for $300/month."


    Often I think the difference between an outstanding stage level physique is not necessarily genetics, diet and hard training but rather money to burn and access to legit quality gear and gh. And lots of it


    BTW, the osto-whatever he's talking about "build muscle lose fat" wow, who would have thought. Has it been proven? Take that money and use it for tren A and more gh. That's been proven. Tren, 6iu+ hgh, along with your test and eq. Fool proof.

  16. Since it's on all the board but not here I just want to mention that Luke Wood is dead. He was on dialysis but was called in because they had a kidney for him. He actually was doing pretty well on dialysis. His body rejected the kidney took a horrible turn for the worse and died. By all accounts he was an exceptionally nice guy and always made time for his fans.



  17. It's a private board now I'm pretty sure. Or Harley could have just shut down new registration for now.


    Interesting. I guessing that they get some income from sponsorships and the more traffic a board gets the more attractive they are to sponsors and the more they

    can charge to advertise. Seems odd that they would discourage membership and board traffic.

  18. they both come from the same person don't they? I would highly believe that they are pretty much the same thing IMO


    Novos and NDs/Thanks come from different factories. That's why you can buy NDs/Thanks together and have them packed together and pay one shipping cost but if you order Novos you have to pay separate shpping cost. They can't pack Novos with the Thanks and NDs. I want to try the Novos but I'm sitting tight for a bit until I start hearing good reports on the probs with seizures and long waits Nordic seems to be experiencing

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