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Posts posted by BigM

  1. so i never mentioned this buttt.... 5 months ago i was in my best shape ever... 16 weeks away from a show....so during one of my depletions i went to the bathroom.... and when i got up i got the worse pain ever... I ended up admitted for 3 days. The doctors at the hospital i was at kept saying it was a hernia, i followed up.. had ultra sounds, cat scans... everything it was all negative. I get seen by the chief surgeon who again says hernia but wont operate due to his partner did my original hernia years ago. I follow up with his partner who supposedly was going to send me to an mri, that never happened, instead more ultrasounds. The doctor then says it could be your growing, so i took a step back thinking this would heal.. it never did. 3 months later i go to my pcp now this pain is terrible, he sent me some muscle relaxants and sent me to an mri of the lumbar. 1 week after the mri i get the call from my pcp saying call a neurosurgeon, left the neuro today, my right foot is losing strength as welll as terrible pain where i cannot walk much, my l5s1 is wrecked and slipped in from what he told me. He looked at results and mri plus had me do some movements and told me you need surgery, my dad works with him.. he told me himself if they would have caught this 5 months ago with some PT it could have been fixed. So i will be having a malpractice going on now with the previous hospital/doctor for negligence. Ill know exactly the procedure thursday morning. having this done asap so i can recove, guys i cant even bend to move a pin of how bad the pain is.

  2. Sooo.. the girl would be telling me she was broke for the last 3 months... i used my hacker skills and found out she makes 1800 bi weekly, for the last 3 months she wouldnt even buy toilet paper, nor toothpaste, nor paper towels... so she finally moves out... i go to her place and see that all is new.. ALL she used me so she could save up money... while living with me she never did any of that... lesson learned fellas... . all this does is drive me harder torwards the gym, and my fitness... ill be in better shape than ever now... if i meet a girl she better have her ducks in line

  3. So last friday... doing chest i was in the smith machine, i had already warmed up.. 4 sets in, im up to 275 incline, last set.. my coach tells me " you stop when i tell you to stop" on the 6th rep going down i heard a tearing noise...


    im here thinking shit my good shoulder, went to my surgeon, had 2 mri done on chest and shoulder... got the call today nasty strain, no lifting for 6 weeks... so legs,abs and cardio it is!

  4. So i met a hot cuban chick 3 years ago, we moved in within 6 months. When i met her she had her shit together... meaning car, place.... all of a sudden 3 month later she takes a "break from a job... she gets her car repod and uses my 2015 2.4 accord... for a year at the time i had an escalade.. so didnt bother me... so she continued driving the car ( free no monthly) for 1.6 years till the car had 70k miles then returned to me got an ats... so heres my question:


    shes gained from 130-178 @ 5'1.. i told her to train with me ill get her in shape... she doesnt believe that she has to when she gets lypo...so as time passes on as im finally healthy i went from 267 to 220 @ 15% bf great achievement due to mast surgeries... guys this chick lives with me and her kid... she doesnt give me a penny torwards the house... she blows all her money quickly, does the kids hw... the kid is a mess ( the room is soooo bad) ive tried talking to her through various ways... annd it turns to a fight,,, i offered in her in beginning to pay for groceries and water...horrible epic fail, now shes against me going to gym ( i have a well known coach) i made the decision to get back into trraining and become a monster... so far her kid is d'f (grade) nonstop and im changing daily, i asked her come train with me... and to no avail, brothers she calls me daily just asking for stuff ( money, foodf) never say thank you.... now i met a girl in the gym..... and i am shocked... shes my age... we train together... talk alot annd shes very grateful, i asked her to a bodybuilding show and said yes LOOL


    how do i go about geting rid of someone... the best way???? noone in my family or friends like her or her kid...horrible attitudes, mesi

    ive tried so mush with him... but hes out of control at 11

  5. So after taking a nice year off... had hernia surgery last feb (3 hernias ) then after recovering retore my left shoulder... i started working out again right after thanksgiving... i am down to 234 already @ 17% bf i started at 267... i have a coach now whos been preparing me all the way from the meals to the cycle, to the training!



  6. So im at work.. and weird weird pain in my abdominal/hip are... i could barely walk.. so my boss sends me to hospital, after shots of dilaudid and no result i got emitted into the hospital. They did cat scan and mri nothing, the next day i had a ultrasound. Turned out i had 3 inguinal hernias (dont know how.. i dont go heavy since rotator/labrum tear) Ive had 6 ortho surgeries in 4 years, i kid you not when i woke up from this... THE PAIN WAS BADDDD!!! so doctor told me luckily they got it in time the intestine was already at the point of being tied up. Ive never worked out with a belt in the 16 years ive been doing this.. doc put a mesh from hip to hip. now just here recovering OUCH!

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