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Posts posted by medicineman

  1. I thought calling an adult man, "boy" was a racist slur. Used to try to take a away his manhood, in an attempt to make him feel less than you..


    But you're a victim, so it doesn't count when you do it..


    You racist bigot.


    Did you not call me medicinevictim? Yeah that's what I thought, sometimes in life you get what you give

  2. At the end of the day, you all will have to live with yourselves and your own conscious as you continue to exist in each. You yes each and everyone of you will have to stand before God one day and give account for the shit u believe, and the manner in which you have treated and dealt with people in your heart as well as outwardly. You can also tell me to go to hell, Doesnt matter

  3. I do know medicinevictim thinks he should get some kind of compensation for feeling like he is less of person, then the average American.

    He thinks it's not his fault that he can't succeed, in his less than mediocre life. He's been raised with the Al Sharpton mentality, (give me something, because I can't make it on my own, and if I do make it, I'll have to work for it, and I can't work with my pants hanging low on my butt) it's white people's fault.

    He's the biggest bigot in the thread, but he doesn't see that, because he's a victim,and that's all he can even be, because it's just not fair.... And White's are the only one that can be racist, because most of them work and raise families.

    They have to be getting special treatment to do all of that stuff.


    I am prejudice against, self-inflicted retardism. But he can't help it, because his ancestors where ripped from the jungles of Africa, and brought to this mean place called American.

    Now to be fair , I do think that we (Americans) should pay for a one way ticket back to the country that they originated from.

    If they still feel displaced after their ancestors have been here for over 150 years.



    Again, it's more cats like you that have no idea of the extent of what you say, what you think or even if you know what you talking about. America is so fucked up with so many opinions from people who don't even have the slightest clue of what they are referring too, it makes it very difficult to even hold dialogue in conversations with many of you. Your intellect, many of you, its in the toilet. Do you want a real history lesson? Just saying, medicine man can you give me a history lesson? Shaking my damn head

  4. The majority of blacks assume everyone is racist towards them. They must have a guilty conscious.


    There are no assumptions, it is what it is

    My boy....also there's absolutely nothing with my conscience or any African-Americans conscious that I know when it comes to calling most white people racist bigots

  5. Ive had plenty of calm rational debates here. Even with this guy in the past. However I deeply resent this new school of thought that because my skin color is the same as other white people we all share the same experience and benefits in this country. It's flat-out racism against whites. Clumping all people based off of loose appearance as one. On top of that the only one throwing thoughts like that around refuses to say his own race. That says all you need to know about the debate. Race baiting at its purest.


    Big pimpin, appreciate you comments baby. I'm not clumping all people or all whites in the same category just most whites. That has been my experience, my observation, and no one can take that away from me

  6. One thing it shows me on this board is that most of you have no idea of the people you are dealing with on these boards.....most of u like yourself Bigfoot, need friends, a dog, and a brain......that's the beauty, U have no idea of who I am in real life, becuz this board shit u regard so much bigfooty, its temporal and half ass baked

  7. Im curious if your name is michael moore? Lol


    No kris, I'm an intelligent, well educated, Medical professional. I simply study on my own time, u are to find credible, reliable, and annotated sources that can verify and reveal pertinent data....,that's all it takes, I'm more than a muscle head, r u?

  8. I have no way of proving I'm not a pussy ass lying bitch keyboard Warrior much like yourself. Except I make no effort to conceal myheritage where I live or really even who I am. So if being one of the easiest to find and track people on this board and still telling you you can climb onto your little bitch knees and suck my dick the way your wife sister mother grandmother cousins and honestly even your father like to do



    I have a way, maybe u don't but I have a way.....I'll reveal that to u later as well, why? This is how I know I'm dealing with keyboard pussyfied little boy warriors.....not all of u, but this gms585 gal is one

  9. Your not liberal but your pulling the hitler card like cnn and thats such bullshit. Fact is majority americans agree with what hes doing and the way the democrats are handling it he will be president for 8yrs!


    With what whose doing?


    U made that shit up......again. One doesnt have to be a liberal to see through the shit hole republicans have created specifically in this country since party platforms have changed.......oh btw, they changed during the civil rights era....


    Republicans are dirtbags of the worst kind, democrats are fools to think they are much better

  10. You see this is why MYO should stay out of it when I troll certain members here. Just about every person I've trolled hard it eventually shows that they end up being a complet piece of shit. This medicfag never served in anything. Complete coward.


    Anyone can talk shit from behind a keyboard, anyone

  11. your a pussy and a bitch

    i honestly doubt you served in any military force. maybe the salvation army.


    This is what all fools and real pussies do when they don't get their way, they lash out and cry like the true bitches they are........let me also say this, my team members where all white, and we looked out for each other to the death. I was the corpsman(medic), so they needed me and I them, but we were all sniper-qualed and equally hard asses.......so, since you tried to be funny, about service, it's ok, haters do what u do..........

  12. No Kris6814, trump is not disliked by me because of his status, he is disliked because he has said and done things that isn't proper, right or common sensical......


    Again, i am an independent, I do not care very much for Dems or repubs, the 2 parties stink and smell like some of you speak.....this country needs a change that doesn't include corporatists, elitists or establishment bullshit politics......What is so dumb about many of u is that what he is doing and has done is exactly what Hitler did with Germany prior to killing Jewish zionists. Even his administration is wrapped around white supremacy, it depicts this countries thinking and positions

  13. Trump is what america needs!! I had this thought awhile back and then seen it on facebook that liberals suffer from low T and its pretty obvious


    I'm not liberal, I'm very independent, but Trump is what's wrong with Americans like many of you. And also for the reveals why this country is so stupid, illiterate, and lacks the education that he needs to be great. America Has never been great, it has been filled with fuckery, racist, bigots, and self absorbed people as many of you. Again, I feel for this motherfucker, if you don't like my views don't read them and don't respond

  14. Again, I commented because there's free speech and this was the place to make the comment, it was my view. I encourage anybody, I didn't tell anybody to fuck off, I just express my views but it is clear that you can't handle the truth.


    Also gms585, keyboard warriors mean nothing to me, so you can scream to the top of your longs, go piss on yourself, go have a baby or anything you'd like. I have the right to express my views, wasn't trying to hurt anyone's feelings, it's just my views so again, if you can't handle it get the fuck out the forum

  15. Everyone at some point in history of caught hell, but the Irish, the Italians, and these fake ass jews that Are just modern day sinus. Real Hebrews real Israelites have been scattered 1000 years ....The real persecuted in the please call Israel are the Palestinians, but like fuckery and media don't want you to see that....

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