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chip bronson

AB V.I.P. Member
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Posts posted by chip bronson

  1. welcome to AB, enjoy the board.


    you might learn a lot about cross dressing if you talk to the mods. But most the other guys are pretty bright. (most)


    i know this is off-topic but, 'chief, i LOVE your avi, bro. lmfao..... :cool:

  2. I dont buy into any of it my brother, Chipster. :)

    I think we have more damn problems now than anytime in history. We have more issues than we can fathom. Politics today is the most fucked up side of humanity in this country.


    But if we give up, and that means all of us, then the fucking assholes we fight against win, without any effort on their part. They may win anyway, but it wont be without a fight from me. That includes voting, or sticking the barrel of my gun in some fuckers nose when he says that I have no right to own it. The electoral college is not perfect I concur. But for today's environment, its still best. Unless someone comes up with a better system ( and I honestly wish there was one now). And yes, I know exactly why we have it, I have discussed it a great deal in constitutional law class as well as world politics and a few other times.


    i knew you get it brother. and i wish i were better versed in this topic to offer up a better solution than the plurality popular vote - only thing i can think of and, to be honest, this alternative has its own drawbacks, as well. so i would be replacing one broken thing with another. i'm rambling out loud....

  3. I guess maybe I'm naive as I have no idea what you're talking about. Here's an example of my point... Bush, Gore, 2000. Gore wins the popular vote, but loses the election. Gore won 650 counties. Bush won 2400 counties. Without electoral college gore wins even though bush won 1800 more counties. Again, my point is it gives rural America a chance for their voice to be heard


    you ARE naive and your point, again, was taken although you completely miss the point.


    the electoral college is an intricate scam by the founding fathers to maintain control and power. in 1824, john quincy adams won the presidency despite having won neither the popular vote or 'enough' of the electoral votes. the decision then went to the house of reps that gave him the presidency. this is a glaring example of how the electoral college is setup with the specific intention of being manipulated, by a specific group of men, when necessary.

  4. Somebody needs to take another American politics class. LOL.


    Regardless if anyone likes or agrees with the electoral college, it serves it's purpose. And like stallion is trying to say, it keeps the most populated areas from controlling the entire presidential outcome with votes from only 2 or 3 states.


    Imagine California, New York and Illinois and Pennsylvania controlling every election just because of shear population. The votes of the rest of the state's wouldn't matter for shit. Even Texas with a large population wouldn't dent what the top 4 populated states would be able to pull off.


    And regardless of how fucked up things may be right now, it's still better than the rest of the planet and if you don't vote, you have no right to bitch about any outcome.

    It's not just a right we have, but an obligation as citizens, to vote.


    Maybe someone who is pro gear should run for president.


    i'm really surprised that you, of all people, have bought into this crock of dog excrement - hook, line and sinker, brother. the electoral college was created with the specific intention of shifting the focus away from the citizens’ direct popular vote and to conceal the founding fathers' desire to keep power and control over the populace. this is what i am referring to when i say, behind, behind the scenes. the proposal (oh yeah, there was a proposal very early on for direct election) that the people elect the president directly was squarely rejected by the fathers, who were in favor of indirect popular election. why is that? because they were attempting to control the presidency through political manipulation. and so it still goes on.

  5. Actually, I'm a believer in the electoral college. It gives small town, rural America a voice. Look at electoral maps from the past. It's always large cities that are blue, and rural America is red. County by county. It's 6 to 1 that votes Republican, but heavy urban population negates that. Why should big city urban areas have all the say, when the whole of America is largely red?


    not even remotely sure what it is you're talking about. the electoral college is not a measure against the marginalization of small-town america. it is a measure of supreme obfuscation that allows the powers behind 'behind the scenes' to exert their force, manipulate politics and control, to an alarming degree, the live of everyday americans.

  6. The same reason we get addicted to the weights, eating schedules, same meals day in and day out along with steroids is the same reason we get addicted to other drugs or whatever we get addicted to.


    i'm not sure i can agree with this either. how can you compare lifting weights, meal schedules and sane use of aas with oxy (or any other funky pill) addiction? just look at the resultant effects of each and you can see we're talking about completely different animals.


    my original question was, why do bodybuilders seem to be such highly addictive personalities (more so than other folks)? is it the personality that is drawn to it or does bodybuilding, itself, perpetuate or amplify the individuals inherent 'addictiveness', so to speak?

  7. The reason is simple. Many of us have an addictive personalities and and are former addicts.


    a little oversimplified, myo. but i'll accept this... however, my question specifically was about why the incidence of drug (recreational) abuse is so high among weight lifters. i have noticed this trend among our community over the past couple of decades - it's undeniable. are addictive personalities attracted to bodybuilding, for example?

  8. it amazes me how many lifters are into this opiate shit. on the one hand they go on about being healthy, strong, etc and on the other they (lots of them, unfortunately) just love their hard pain-killing drugs. true hypocrisy if there ever was any. and before anyone goes bashing me for not understanding addicts and their addictive behaviors, let me just say: you're right. i don't understand (or care to) addict behavior because it's clearly not normal thinking.

  9. What's your personal opinion.


    Given all other options I may vote for him.

    My wife thinks Im being irrational and likes Sanders.

    But you cant help but ask yourself...at what point did the American public sink to a political low for a Donald Trump to be appealing to the voters?

    Ronald Reagan was a Actor and he was a fairly good President...Who knows, Trump couldn't be worse than the black muslim President we have now...LOL


    it's not the american public that has sunk to a political low. rather, the political establishment, itself, has hit a rather remarkable low and this has caused people to seek out an alternative to the 'same old' that has created this muck. bernie sanders? i won't even get into the ridiculousness of that 'choice'....

  10. Great thread and it couldnt have come at a better time for myself . The liver has been letting me know as of the last week that it needs attention . When your liver talks its scary .


    you know it, brother. i went through some medical issues that caused liver 'aggravation', recently. i took this supp for about 3 weeks and, when re-tested, the liver enzymes were normal. let us know how it works for you. all the best.

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