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chip bronson

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Posts posted by chip bronson

  1. for all the guys talking crap about the us, why not just pick up and move instead of just talk crap? my wife and i are looking into moving out of the us in the next 10 years. we are thinking about switzerland where i will teach in a university. if you think the us is fucked now, just wait.... you'll see the emergence of a massive underclass of retarded dolts who are barely qualified to pick their noses, let alone perform any type of work. they will not be able to get jobs. people will be starving, en masse; they will be angry and they will riot, etc. i will be happy to be gone. has anyone ever given any thought to the fact that we may actually be witnessing the decline of western (american) civilization? hey, it happened to the greeks, the romans, the ottomans, etc. how it's happening here.


    good luck.

  2. not a problem at all. 3cc/quad = 6cc. 2cc/delt = 4cc. you can pick where you put the remaining cc. it's real easy. and the following week you could hit 2cc/pec = 4 cc. 2cc/tri (1cc into the lateral head and one into the long head on the back of the arm) = 4 cc. 1.5cc/calf = 3cc. you get the idea... this allows you to hit each muscle ONCE every 2 weeks which i feel is better than once a week. hope this helps.


    On March 1st, I am starting a cycle consisting of 500mgs a week of test and 900 or 1000mg of primo. I am not going to be injecting my ass. I don't even wanna go into that honestly cause you guys will think the reason is weird. The thing is to fit this quantity of oil into myself, I am gonna have to pin bis, tris, pecs, delts, quads and calves. I was wondering if any of you guys have done a cycle in which all these sites had to be pinned constantly and if you have any tips. Thanks
  3. not sure as they do online registration and confirmation - so if you and someone else are using the same product, ms will identify it and the second user's product will not register (work). perhaps someone knows of a way around this but i don't there is a workaround.

  4. yep, this is true bro and a female co-worker just spoke to me about how she 'settled' - that is for a short man. the shorter guys fill out a lot quicker than tall guys with longer limbs but, in the end, they're still short. and ladies don't dig short, OR short-dick, men.


    Most of the bodybuilding type of guys are short though, if there is one trait a girl does NOT want it's a short guy. Sorry to all the short dudes on here but I'm yet to meet a girl that wants to be a with a dude shorter than her. Keep that in mind when you tell yourself they aren't interested in you because they are intimidated by you. ;)
  5. seems like a waste of a post and a moot point to me. i mean, honestly, if you're on his list then you know his goods, right? if you're not, then what;s the point of reviewing it? he;s private so it's not like anyone is going to be able to say, 'hey, let me try that line and see for myself...' know what i'm saying?...


    O i know and ive used many diff items...but just so happends that the entire cycle will be just his....and i will post honest feedback for all who want to know more about his products....rather than saying oh this is good im going to blog everything...
  6. pecs and tris are easy. plus with the tris, you can inject the long head in the back as well as the lateral head on the side and that makes up for the fact that you can't shoot as much into them. i rotate sites so i don't hit a site more than once every 2 weeks. any reason why you aren't hitting your quads?

  7. can't argue with you on that. s. america has a shitload of natural resources we could use... can anyone say, 'monroe doctrine'?...

    You dont hafta sell me on it brotha. Thats the way my eyes see things as well.

    Syria, iran both possible/probable conflicts in the fairly near future.

    Along that same agenda, once the middle east is pacified and pillaged i see the elites making moves to get S.America under control next. The whole Bolivar revolution brotherhood developing down there is a real thorn in their side. Chavez, the kirchners, lula etc.

  8. used to love phil's voice back in the day e.g. beyond the cemetery gates. then wtf happened i'll never know... he started sounding like he was gargling with glass. that's not singing. the music still kicks ass.

  9. hemovol by iforce is what i've been using for the past few months. the best preworkout product i've ever used. no stims, just good clean energy and crazy pumps that last all day long and then some. look this one up and try it - you'll be glad you did.

  10. 5% is not enough BB IMO. It may be trying to crystalize in you. I've seen it happen in a vial when I was playing chef back in the day. If so, that's some real pain. Did you let it sit in the vial for a few days to make sure it held before pinning?


    ditto. and 1% ba is not enough either. you should've gone with 2% ba and 20-22% bb, imo. feel better.

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