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Posts posted by tren

  1. What mg are you making it at?


    Because if you are making it at 250mg or above then you need at least 2% BA and 20% BB. I use 3% BA and 20% BB for my cyp 250. Most people are afraid of BA and think its usually the cause of injection pain. That's usually not the truth unless they are using like 5%+. A lot of times, not enough BA will be the cause of pain.


    I use 3% BA with my prop and cyp and they are both painless injections. That extra 1% of BA makes all the difference in the world with some compounds, and also keeps those compounds from crashing in the cold months.


    I seen this thread and tried the 3% ba when I made 250 test cyp and guess what? it is smooth as silk! I can't even tell I took a shot 2 days latter. that dfl knows what hes talkin about!

  2. hi guys this is my second attempt at inj. anavar-the first at 50 mg/ml 02 ba,20 bb 60/40 gso,eo crashed as soon as it cooled to around 150degrees. the second at 25 mg/ml 02 ba 30 bb 60/40 gso,eo same thing. I through the first one out,now is there a way to save the second,like adding some guaiacol? or should I just throw that one out too? thanks for any help guys.

  3. Sorry, sometimes my fingers go too fast. I use only BA and have only had issues with knots in dosing gear about 400mg and up. Currently what I make is about 300-350mg/ml I have several guys that run it with no pain, I do however have one pansie that can't run it becuase he gets sore. Sorry for the confusion, just to be clear, I use 1-1.5% BA in my Test E mixes.
    thanks bro!
  4. I don't know, because I have never used it in test E, you don't need it to disolve the powder as the BB will do it along with the oil just fine. Just one more chemical in the mix you don't need.


    here you say to use it ? i was asking if you DON'T use bb IS THERE ANY PIP OR DOES THE AREA KNOTT UP? thanks!

  5. inject drol.. Hits very hard pre workout with no sides other than great pumps and strength.. I take it orally and i get nothing but bad sides from it ie: no appetite and bloated


    this is what i was wondering,orals kill my appetite so im gonna give inj. drol a shot & see if it don't kill it.

  6. im with ghg316, if you split it throughout the day you raise your igf each time you inj. plus i seen test where the guys igf didn't raise no more on 8iu's as it did on 3iu's ,cause think about your body puts out no more than 1 to 1 and a half iu's at a time.except when your a kid and have growth spert then they put out as muchb as 2 to 4 iu's. so imo 3 iu's 5 times a day would be a great cycle, and i'll let you know cause i'm gettin ready to try it!

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