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Posts posted by Bronik

  1. I suffer from anxiety myself, bro. Pretty bad. After seeing the doc and getting some help, I'm a little better but still have the episodes from time to time. Best thing that helps me is remembering I have people in my life that understand and appreciate me for who I am. Also helps to have a friend you can text/call during those moments. We are who we are, bro. We can't be anything else. The only thing we can do is embrace it and deal with it. There's nothing really wrong with you. Hope you're able to find peace with it. Much respect for posting up on here about it.

  2. @mrxplosive: There's quite a few things Obama has done that others before him haven't. One that I consider the worst was trading 5 extremely violent terrorists for a soldier that betrayed his own country and converted/defected to Islam. He should have been pulled from office immediately.


    And it doesn't matter the type of ammo being banned. He would ban it all of he could. Simply because he can't seem to disarm American citizens.

  3. mechace1 hit it on the head. On test alone I still have moderate strength gains. If you feel you've plateaued then you need to look at your diet and training. Bumping your dose for more results isn't always a good solution.

  4. IMO the last thing you need is gear. There's more to this than just getting a "sick ass body". That's a pretty douchey way of thinking about it. You should take some time and focus on diet and training. Especially if you want any respect here. Good luck.

  5. Can you not tell if you're shut down? That's usually a good way of knowing if what you have is bunk. Unfortunately you won't be able to tell if it's underdosed.

  6. I started using npp about 2 months ago for the first time ever. Never used deca so I can't compare. However, I have no bloat at all and I'm cutting up better with npp than when I used eq. And the strength gains are great. I'm really enjoying this compound stacked with test.

  7. Ok hold on minute....when I read "pin it all on them" I take it as in pinning it on them to dose their gear correctly and use whatever compound in the vial that it says on the label. You are referring to "pinning it on them" meaning they shouldn't have to pitch in for all the tests themselves? I think I can see what you were getting at now. It's your wording that may be misleading.


    Yeah, that's what I meant. Typing while stoned?....I no longer recommend.

  8. Who's bashin you? Put your man panties on in here Son, sometimes it gets a lil straightforward even borderline vulgar up in here!!


    I can hang with the best of 'em, brother. Sorry, but when people judge others over an opinion.., I dunno. Just pisses me off. If you weren't, I apologize.

  9. Neither does that.


    dlth, that's what you've failed to understand this entire thread. Nobody is going to validate anything to your comfort. And I sure as hell won't attempt it, lol. I'll say the same thing Joe did...take some initiative yourself and test your own gear.

  10. I have to disagree. If they are selling a product it is their responsibility to show it is made correctly. It should not fall back on the customer to try to guess wether the sponsors are doing their job right this month


    I see your point. But if people are saying gear is bunk, underdosed, or mislabled, then it may be time for the MODS to conduct the test themselves. Thereby eliminating the whole..."but how do we know if" crap. From there, they can decide if the source belongs here or not.

  11. There are plenty of sources out there. If you're having doubts or suspicions, then switch to another source. And if you're that paranoid about getting scammed, either drop out of the game, or test them yourself like joebig did. We all take risks in this.

  12. I think sources should have to pony up the cash, split the costs between them, into a fund. Them randomly once a month or so send a sample off to be tested. $2-300 bucks between them isn't much at all


    Sources pay their dues already, bro. WE should ALL take responsibility for throwing some money in the pot. Just not fair to pin it all on them.

  13. I've never posted anyone's info and never will as a matter of fact I don't keep any emails sent with info everything is deleted daily as a sponsor if u keep any emails with info you'd be stupid I apologize for that statement and like I said I'm tired of guys trying to throw me under the bus when we had no idea testing was going on. That's all I was trying to say is quit throwing me under the bus, anyone of u that has done business with me knows that I go out of my way to make sure u get what u pay for and in a timely manner. If that statement deters guys from using me than that is their choice. I am one if very few sponsors who is active on the board and make myself very accessible to everyone here.


    Mag, you don't have anything to prove, bro. I've said this to another member here just a few minutes ago...you've helped a lot of bros here. When Bluestar came in and did the damage he did, you stepped up and covered EVERY order they didn't get. You are a stand up dude, and yeah...that post shook me a little. You've said thus about yourself before and I have to agree...you're a hot head, lol. You got to chill, bro. Let your rep speak for itself. Many know and like you here. Don't feel like you have to defend that so heavy.

  14. Haha wow what is happening in this thread. Sponsors, members everyone is just bursting into flames, And losing more respect with every post.


    I've been following this thread since the OP. And though I'm still a stranger here on this board, I'd still like to throw in my .02.


    This has all gotten way out of hand. Talk about info stealing and posting up others info has really made me wonder if this board is really safe. Actually, it makes me afraid to try to befriend anyone here. Seems like it doesn't take much for someone to get pissed and start blurting out info. For the ones I have met and have helped me, and the source I've done business with, it's been a pretty good experience. Up until this thread. I thought we were all suppose to look out for each other here. That's what I was led to believe when I first joined. And seeing how you all go back and forth from respecting each other, to all the sudden attacking and challenging one another to a real life face to face meet...it's sad. Sorry, I just thought I was apart of something more here. I thought we all were.


    Don't forget brothers...we all MOSTLY share the same common ground. Especially where GK's wifes ass is concerned. Work this shit out, guys. Were all grown men here. Look past the pride and look at what this can/will do to the board. I for one don't want to go any place else. But will if I don't feel it's safe. Good luck.

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