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Posts posted by Bronik

  1. It's not that it WOULD do more harm. Everyone handles things differently. It's best to start out with one compound at a time so that if you started getting a side, you'd know what was causing it. And as for the hardening, that test will do a great job for you there provided your diet is spot on and consistent. Tweak your workout routine for the results you're looking for as well. The Dbol is going to offer some mass. A bit of that will be water weight. But it'll get you the start you need. The test won't kick in until about week 4 or 5. So just be patient with it and bust as in the gym, bro.

  2. I'd ditch the mast this time, bro. Just see how your body handles 500mg of test e a week. If you're really wanting to add another compound, kick start it with dbol for the first 4 weeks. Also, if you're pinning the glute... I'd go with 25g 1 1/2 pin with your stats. Just to make sure you get deep in the muscle. Good luck, and enjoy!

  3. I'm trying something different myself. By the time I finish, I will have been on for 20weeks. Started with test e @ 500mg for the first 4 months, hit a plateau, then ramped it up to 750mg a week. Broke the plateau with a little adjustment to my diet thank goodness. But any who, I'll be stacking HCGenerate with HCG for the last few weeks leading up to PCT, then I'll be using a Nolva/Clomid combo for PCT. Then after PCT I'll be using Bridge until I decide to go back on. Check out some of the products from NeedToBuildMuscle. See what you think. Good luck, bro.

  4. Just saw the blast cruse part of your post. I'm 26 and have been blasting for over a year now.


    With that said my Dr knows everything that I take and the doses. He a pretty cool guy. Lets me get blood work done everyother month and get a lot of checkups. I do have to say my health over the past year has been getting worse and I will be taking a month or two with nothing to get everything back in order.


    My natural test was fairly low because I messed with aas when I was younger. Heavy aas from 16-20. It messed my body up pretty good so my Dr recommened off the record that. I go on trt. I was getting all the sides, but he said at my age it will be tough to get prescribed to trt. I also was at 400-500 cosistrntly on my bloodwork which was to high to justify.


    So, do you think if you would've waited until your current age or 30 it might have been different for you? And what kind of health problems have you been experiencing? Hopefully nothing too bad, bro. Thanks for the info too.

  5. Okay, let me start this off with a little background info.

    I'm 5'8.5 @ 175lbs. BF% roughly 9-10%, 30 years old. I have 4 cycles under my belt, all have been moderate cycles with Test E @ 500mg's a week and Winstrol for 4 weeks after last shot leading into PCT.


    Well, I'm 4 and a half months into my 5th cycle, and have hit a plateau. I recently (about 3 weeks ago) ramped up the test to 750mg's a week. I'm definitely feeling it. I'm a little edgy but nothing a can't control. My girl is a nutritionist and cooks all my meals for me for the day (who's a lucky guy?...THIS GUY! =P) so my diet is in check. I have 3 vials of test e 250mg left.


    My question is...should I amp up the test to 1g? Or should I start shoveling more food in ( my girl would just LOVE that!). I'm averaging about 4,000 cals a day, 450g of carbs, 300g protein, and roughly 75-80g of total fats. Nothing for pre/post workout but 2 servings of Serious Mass by Optimum Nutrition. That's 1 serving pre and one serving post.


    I've also been giving a lot of though to ending cycles and blasting/cruising. Honestly, reaching about 210-215lbs would be enough for me. At my age, would it be too soon to start cruising?


    Looking forward to all the advice. And thanks in advance to all that contribute their knowledge and experience.

  6. Hi, rbnescalante. Welcome aboard. Never heard of them. With as many solid sources here on this board, I never feel the need to take a chance with anyone else. Hopefully you're here to join this community and not leave after hitting us with a question about some source. Good people here. You should maybe stay a while. Hell...you may like it! Good luck with that source though...

  7. Had the same problem a little over 2 years ago. Used a nolva/clomid combo as was suggested to me. It took a while, but I eventually recovered. Almost the same cycle you ran as well. Someone told me later about using HCG while on. Hopefully someone can shed some light on this for you. I'll be paying attention to this thread myself. Good luck, brother.

  8. you'll be back after you realize your "relationship" isn't what it will turn out to be. you've just been pussy whipped (I'm assuming you're with a woman). LOL. carry on...


    Lmao. I know you playin around, bro. But he did say his "girlfriend".

  9. when gene simmons walked in a room one time a reporter asked him

    "do you think your the best looking man when you walk in a room"

    he responded "of course every time"

    they asked him how he could be so cocky

    he said "whats the alternative"


    and before you or vette say anything, perhaps...sometimes I felt my ego fade and could feel myself start to mature when I was around this girl....I think you and most people would like me alot better had I gotten into a serious long term relationship with her. I was starting to grow the fuck up, because of her.....but now that she didnt work out Im going back to my old ways and am wrapping myself in my own little bubble of self love, obsession, and narcissism ..... Today is tanning,teeth whitening, avacado mask, gym, hair appointment,...


    Ego. You don't change for other people, brother. You change for you. And in turn...everything and everyone around you changes. For the better too. Try it out. It's more rewarding when you look at it from a less than sacrafite manner. =]

  10. OP is completely consumed by ego. Damon....you will never have a relationship in your life worth while of ANY type. You brag about how you're bigger and better looking? Lmao! Even if that were true you can't deny how big of a VAG you are either. And I'm sure those "19" inch arms wouldn't stop any other member on this board from fuckin curb stomping your stupid ass. You sound pathetic. You have no business in this sport. Nobody will EVER respect you or take you seriously. Not saying you don't have a chance to turn this all around, but definitely not here on this board and definitely not until you starve that ego. Good luck, kiddo. Just do yourself a favor...starve your ego, and feed your soul.

  11. Flip a coin, seriously? Hey, bro...why not set up a system like Wiley Coyote with all the lever, pullies, and anvils and just try to catch that bitch like the Road Runner? =P


    But seriously...these guys are right. You're a little too wrapped up in this female for only having a couple dates with her. Plenty of women out there...don't just latch on to the first one to come around...

  12. Took me almost 2 months to fully recover from mine, bro. I would still continue to train, just at a lower intensity. Check with your doc. And if you feel like you can, do some light weight training. Sorry that happened, man. Hope for a speedy recovery.

  13. AR what part of I agree don't you understand. Pear shaped, not really sure who suggested that. Im 6' with 23% BF. 1 1/2 pinch at the belly button. Size 33 jeans. Again in going to diet, im going to exercise, im going to take advice from those who have suggestions on low dose cycles. All in the proper order.


    Thank you for peeing the furthest. I have gathered what i needed from many helpful people. Im glad that people on this board still promote PED above all things. That's very responsible.


    AR, 5 years on boards doesn't make you anything if you can't understand what's being said. When you lash out at every comment someone makes without reading everything that is said or with preconceived notions, all people see is BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! @#$#! BLAH! BLAH!


    You should stay on point and stop giving boards like this a bad image. My question was not unreasonable and i only defended myself when others questions my motives. Everyone here that takes AAS has some rock solid rational, right or wrong.


    Imo, you're only calling them helpful people because they typed something you wanted to read. It seems that anyone that only suggested that you get a good diet and workout routine going were ignored. It also seems like you pulled a little attitude about it as well. I think that's when AR lost his patience with you. Everyone that's posted in your thread only wanted to give you the best advice possible. You've already made up your mind on what you want to do. And you're a big boy. It looks like you're wanting someone to hold your hand through the entire process. If you're determined to do a cycle anyways, then forget this thread and start studying other threads on the board and other boards. You can learn this all on your own with just a little time put into research. But judging by this thread...you'll want someone to hold your hand through that as well. Or just tell you what to do. Again....good luck.

  14. Ok. So I know what it takes to do it big bro!! Been there! I am looking to get an anabolic boost. I don't mind spending the money, I am not interested in getting back into it all the way. And yes, a person can take low dose cycles if their expectations are not to hulk up, but do add an advantage to the tools and time they have.


    Back to my original question, if I were to take anavar or winstrol daily for 2 to 3 months in a moderate dose either by themselves or together, what my expectations are is to get back yo my athletic build, not bulk. Test is great, but not necessary for what I'm doing. Im looking to run and do some basic training exercises just to give my muscles some use. I want solid, firm, semi-permanent gains. Solid muscle = better fat burning. Im basically in a mild cutting cycle.


    Now back to the test. I love it and eq together with armidex. Was trying not to go that route, but i can. Just wanting some opinions without being questioned about my steroid knowledge.


    I do appreciate you commenting though. What are your thoughts on eq and test in a min to mod dose cycle to achieve my goal? i know better on the liver.


    This shows you're not experienced, bro. Why would you even think of running an oral that long? You'll ruin your liver. Imo...lose weight naturally. If you choose to run an oral cycle that long then by all means....but you'll be shitting your liver out guaranteed. Good luck.

  15. How long were you wanting to run an oral only cycle? From what I've read here, EQ would be your best bet. But since you want to stay away from sticks, it would all probably be a waste of time. Especially since you can't afford spending quality time in the gym. I would just get a diet going with cardio since you're mainly wanting to drop weight. But I'm not as experienced as most people here. Just my 2 cents. Good luck, bro.

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