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Posts posted by nspaletta

  1. No not being naive at all. I've always had good products from both of them. Strango has resent me products that I questioned even.

    But I do agree with you 100% in the end. This is the black market people get screwed and stabbed in the back it's the risk we all take

  2. This is getting stupid now if you ask me. Cbl and strango are well respected and have been around a lot longer then most for a reason. This whole testing thing seems like a stupid pregnancy test first off bases a steroid off of a color. That's pretty weak evidence right there. Strango is good and a good man. Cbl has always delivered results. Hell I don't like mag but his products are great. Each steroid is very distinct it's not hard to find out if it's legit when you use them

  3. Regular is as chill as it gets. If in seven years he hasn't learned how to run test, what makes you think he's ready? Ancillaries in check? Maybe you need to share your knowledge and show a little respect to those who are concerned about more than just answering a question. Socrates answered a question with a question.... maybe you are in over your own head here?


    Step off.




    I meant no harm to anyone bro and yea regular is a chill dude. But a simple question isn't a big deal to answer is it? It was test base people get curious whether to pin everyday or twice a day or every other day. I just gave him my simple view of it brotha


    And to regular your post was very insightful with all the research and everything. I've heard multiple shots were ideal with suspension I never knew it as well with no ester. I heard the oil slows down absorption still to make it easier for once a day shots. Thank you bro

  4. Come on bro he's a asking a simple question that's takes two seconds to answer chill out a bit. He's asking about test no ester first of all not test cyp.


    Inject once every day for test base bro try about two hours pre workout and you'll get great results.

  5. as long as i cut my gear with 1cc of sterile oil i neevr have any pain or issues no matter where i inject and regardless of the needle guage.....i use 1in 22g in biceps with 2cc of test prop and 2cc steril oil and by biceps get super huge and freaky vascular during my workouts but never have any PIP anymore....i do the same thing in traps and delts....same thing never any pip or redness nothing


    Same thing I do right there except I use a little seo with it. Zero pain or redness at all and flows fine with a 25g 1 inch.

  6. I have also mentioned on many a board and thread that people should try Hyaluronic acid(synovial fluid) . It is hands down a better product in my opinion and personal experience . I purchase it from hacompound.com . try a 2 oz. bottle and see if its hits the spot as it has done for me .


    This is exactly what I use and you can't beat it (though mine comes from a different source then that)! I love using it for my joints...and since using it a couple weeks ago I have had zero joint pain now.

  7. My seo protocol I actually use author l rea method and mix it with my Aas. Seems to work very well as makes my anabolic injecta painless. I use painless pumps by the way and I have to say I love that stuff! Best seo on the market in my opinion :)

  8. I actually run both tren's and deca's higher then my test and I rarely get sides from it. Everybody can have an opinion but to test it is the only way to prove it for yourself. The only time now that I run test doses high is when I run only test cycles with ancillaries. Other then that around 250mg test and a gram of tren or deca is all gains and little to no sides.

  9. Something a little different than the usual....Dumbell swings...You perform these like a loose version of rear DB delt raises. Go a little heavier. Bend over and raise the DBs but use continuous motion and swing them up and down..Try to do fairly high reps 15-20. You get an incredible pump in your rear delts. I will try to find a video.



    This is exactly what I do to bring up my rear delts...except I go in the 30-50 rep range as well sometimes. This will definitely make them burn!

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