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Posts posted by hiznberg

  1. That's if you're prone to gyno. I've been up to 2500mg plus other things without an AI and I didn't have the first sign of gyno.


    Post a pic of yourself and if you are not a complete monster I am calling bullshit. On second thought, I'm calling it anyway. LOL

  2. Stuff is awesome. I would not recommend doing much more than 1.5 units to start with and much less for a woman cuz the nausea after inject is pretty strong for about 10 mins but then about 6 hours later be ready to fuck like rabbits cuz you will both be animails for the rest of the night. It works at a brain level and not a blood level so its way different than dick pills. Just do some and report back :) Who here carries it? I want some more for myself.

  3. Genetics certainly play a big part in it. I have taken the exact same cycles as training partners I work out with and have dramaticly better results. Im betting you could take the same drug doses as ramy with the same diet and workout routine and not even get close to his level.

  4. Hey bro I'm not bashing you here or starting a fight, but what happened to your primo test after all? There were lots of people anxious for you to do this test, on both sides of the fence. Just wanted to know if you got it tested and what the results were. Best Regards, KS


    Im guessing it was typical drum beating by IM to leverage his usual Strango bashing. Reference ANY post about Strango over the last year and there is IM stirring the pot. You would expect most members of his status to at least own up to his actions but a simple "fuck off everybody" seems to reset his counts. If any Strango thread is going to stay on topic IM needs to either show the test we have been waiting for since December or stay out of the threads.

  5. Who the fuck are you 2 clowns? I dont owe either one of you an explanation. Use whoever the fuck you want..


    We are just a couple of guys waiting on a VIP member to do what he said he was going to do. You even went so far as to say it was sent off and then nothing. Dont make me dig up all your posts about it, just give us a real answer as to why it never happend. At least Strango has proven himself to be a man of his word, try doing the same before you bash again.

  6. Hey IM, whatever happened to that damning Primo test?


    Don't look now, but your raging agenda is showing.


    Why do you have it out for a guy who has done the community right for years?



    WHat he said. We sat here and watched you beat the drum for a couple months about how you foot the bill to get the primo tested and beat your chest how you were a man of honor etc and since then the only thing coming from you is more Strango bashing. Put up or shut up.

  7. I have used his test E 350mg for a couple years now. I have injected 3cc's at one time more times then I can count with NO PIP, knots are any discomfort. I find his high MG gear smooth as silk....even his prop and phenyl prop.


    Same here. This is the first time I have ever heard of pain from Strangos stuff.

  8. Dude, be careful with pt-141... I think the real stuff was injected sub q when it was being researched, but now it is crap as an oral or nasal..


    Im using the sub q stuff. Only thing bad about the stuff is getting the timing down. Takes 6 to 8 hours for me to get the full effect and then a few aftershocks that wake you up during the night :D

  9. Take some pt-141, you can break windows out with it if you wish. Viagra and Cialis are not even in the same ballpark. As far as the underlying problem it is either estrogen, prolactin or my bet is that the other gal is stuck in your head and you are feling guilty. No matter what, pt-141 will get you there lol

  10. I dont know man....theres a lot of vets here that say theyre a good bang for the buck. I havent even tried gh so i cant say much.


    There are only 1000 threads on here saying how bomb rips are/were and now they are shit? Funny how something can be the beez kneez one month and the garbage the next. I am running rips as we speak and am getting better results than I did with the hyges personally. Bottom line is that for 98% of people on this board no particular brand of GH is going to make a world of difference in their build. For someone at the top of the game like caged I can see it but take a look at Swipers pics and he is plenty jacked using "shit" gh.

  11. Kids ruin lives. I'm 42 and love life. Travel all over, got snipped when I was in my early 20's never looked back. It's called freedom and early retirement. Kids are like a morning shit. Flush the toilet and forget about them ASAP. Live and enjoy life to the fullest. Don't ruin it by having kids. Good luck.


    My father had the same theory as he walked out on my mom before I was born. Now that I have 2 of my own I cannot imagine the level of selfishness it takes to bring a person to this level. I would do anything for my kids. I will say that I am not a big fan of marriage but no matter what happens on that front, my kids will always be my top priority. As posted earlier, you have no idea what love is till you have children. Bowtech, you will die a lonely old man in a nursing home surrounded by people that give less a fuck about you than you do kids. I dont care how much money you make, how many women you bang or how many places you have been, If you dont have anyone that truly loves you to take care of you when you are old you are fucked. You can bank on that.

  12. But you are casting a bunch of negativity on the thread, the OP isn't a kid he's the same age as you. I'm sorry your marriage didn't work out but not everybody's fails. My parents have been married 45 years to each other and could not be happier, I've literally never even seen them fight. I'm sorry you didn't pick the right girl, or maybe you weren't the right dude, I don't know, but don't rain all over this dudes post because of your own problems.


    Are you married? Im betting not. My point is that marriage changes things period. Sometimes for the good and sometimes for the bad. Best wishes for the OP.

  13. 44, first marriage and am still married. However, there was a time that I turned a deaf ear to all those people that were telling me the same thing as I am preaching now. Everyone thinks their partner is different and I waited 5 years to prove it to myself before pulling the trigger but something about marriage changes things. I not saying that it might not be partially my fault in some way but the threat of someone being able to pick up and walk out scott free at any time gives both parties more of a respect for each other. Now get married and have a party know they are gonna leave with half of everything you earned in your life plus get child support and alimony for the next 18 years and I can assure you attitudes change. I am not trying to cast a bunch of negativity on this thread and I am truly happy for the OP. I am merely throwing this out there so maybe he can head it off at the pass if it does start to happen.

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