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Posts posted by Swiper

  1. Damn.


    Is that L4/L5?


    I have a disc thats collapsing and surgery has been suggested.

    I stopped doing squats, deadlifts and other things that hit that area.

    I really dont want back surgery.


    How is recovery going?




    recovery is going ok. still having some nerve pain every now and then but every day it's getting better little by little.


    yea i'd hold off on surgery until it really diminishes your quality of life.


    The most difficult thing about having my back surgeries and now finding out about my shoulder is the mental aspect of it all. I think mainly because I can't train yet and then my shoulder, I know my shoulder doc is going to tell me after surgery I'll never lift a weight again in my life, and that will be the end of my life.

  2. man your killing it i been following this thread now nearly 2 years i think ima take a dive into the spikes now


    thx. i haven't been killing it in the past few months tho, this is why.





    I just had two back surgeries so now I'm just recovering.

    then I also found out I need a complete shoulder replacement as well. but the doctors don't even know if they can even do it because my socket and my bones are so grinded away there's nothing to attach screws or anything to put a replacement in there. so now he's sending me to a specialist but I won't be able to get out to him until I recover a few more weeks with my back surgery. hoping to get my shoulder done this year in late December and then hopefully by May June 2017 I'll be back in the gym lifting limited weights.

  3. He's got you all fooled. Swiper is actually that eleven year old kid on Xbox live that repeatedly tells you how many times he's ear-fucked your mother in a Winnebago.







    Thanks for some motivation to get my lazy ass back in gear


    ha ha thx

  4. So after doing a bit of reading (since none of you assholes were actually helpful), i plan on saying i cant convict someone of that crime because i believe that law is bullshit. (Jury nullicication).


    yes! that's awesome. Same here, if ever on jury I can never convict anyone accused of a victimless crime or traffic citation

  5. Just remember, even if you think voting matters, just because a candidate wins the popular vote doesn't mean anything.


    Bush/Gore 2000 for example.


    right, that's because the US is supposed to be a republic, not a democracy.


    in a democracy 50.1 percent of the people can rule the 49.9%. The founding fathers did not want that. that's one of the reasons why we have the electoral college.

  6. Tibh


    that board is pure trash imo. they banned me for exposing a source there that was selling fake kigtropins years ago. not sure if anything changed over there but I did not have a good experience. it seemed like they were more interested in protecting sources then their members not getting ripped off. glad I was banned because after that I'd never go back anyway.

  7. Strango?


    Just got this in my email from William Lewellyn's company, Molecular Nutrition.




    Lewellyn is also in the process of making gh test kits like this too. should be interesting to see what he comes up with.




  8. Uncle Z Remailer sentence


    the doj is releasing 6,000 non violent drug criminals, yet this guy gets 17 years at the gray bar hotel? with no victims, 17 years is tyrannical, hell with no victims it's tyrannical. seems like cruel and unusual punishment.


    "Amendment VIII

    Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."

  9. Hey man what is your weight at currently? And do u notice a difference bein off GH? Lookin Built as fuk bud...




    I'm 235 lbs. because of my back issue it affects my sciatic nerve which causes me to have very little muscle in my glutes, hams and calves otherwise I'd weigh more.


    no I haven't really noticed much of a difference although I did slightly clean up my diet when I stopped using gh so I wouldn't gain fat.

  10. wow look incredible... how's your back holding up now? also where do you inject all your AAS? I know you're into 2 grams or so of test weekly.


    My back and shoulder are fuked still. i just try me best to work around my injuries. I eventually will have to get them fixed. I'm not on much aas now currently taking 1500mg test ew 300mg tren a ew and .5mg adex twice a week. i inject in my delts, quads and spot injections in right bicep due to a minor tear to make it the same size as my left. i'm doing 3 injections a week currently.

  11. Looking good Swiper.


    What are your meals looking like right now?



    Breakfast is always the same 5 packets of brown maple sugar oatmeal. lunch and dinner are either one of the following: chipotle, panda express, sometimes subway (but i cut way back on that) or a Mediterranean place by my house which i get chicken or beef kabob with rice. at home sometime i'll eat ham sandwiches. I've been eating a lot of protein bars and shakes too



    Any changes to the gh regiman?


    yes haven't used gh in over 6 months

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