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Posts posted by GuerillaKilla

  1. There is a lot of shit going on around here lately, and we want to make some things clear.


    Being a member on this board for any amount of time means you are aware of and understand that there is an unwritten code of conduct that we are all bound to follow. What discussion goes on here is sensitive to say the least and as members in this community it is the responsibility of each person to conduct themselves appropriately.


    I will not go into the details as this should be common sense but lately there have been a lot of threats made between members that are in direct violation of our code of conduct.


    Threats to make personal info available to others that could cause harm to any individual or worse yet draw negative attention to this board and all of its members is strictly prohibited. Not only does it make you an asshole it makes you a threat to the safety and sustainability of the board itself. Should a situation arise that merits addressing, there are other avenues available to members to handle the situation that should be pursued rather than a member taking matters into their own hands.


    Threats of physical violence towards members is also expressly prohibited. Do not be an asshole or someone that threatens harm towards another member or worse yet, their families. Whether or not you are capable of carrying out such threats is irrelevant. What is of concern is a members inability to control their emotions which would lead any reasonable man to believe that such a person is a security threat at best and a physical threat at worst. Either of these is unacceptable.


    We expect all members to follow these most basic standards of conduct as well as carry themselves with dignity and respect for other members. There are basic rules for interacting with others in a social setting which we expect you to follow as well. Feel free to fuck around with each other but make no mistake that threats of violence or violations of safe practices will not be tolerated.

  2. Dynasty,


    So glad to hear your daughter is doing better than before, thank the Lord she is off life support. You have a little fighter on your hands and you and your family will be in all of our prayers, I am sure. Nothin worse in this world than a child suffering or being a parent unable to help.



    As far as these threats go:



    Next person to make any threat of putting info out to the wrong people or to make any threat of physical violence against another member here is getting a week off. Only reason I don't perma ban asses now is tempers flare and people say things out of passion.


    Second offense is 86'd.


    Zero tolerance for any of those things. We are all adults and this is unacceptable behavior.


    Dynasty said what he needed to and some of you had a chance to respond. Thread closed.

  3. TBH tried it once , some brand from India called Super Viagra 100mg V / 30mg D/pro

    Hit me in a weird way, kinda dizzy and sounds were weird?!

    I got so freaked out i couldnt have sex, the reason i took it in the first place! lol


    But a LOT of guys I Know use it and love it IF the dose is right otherwise your banging all night in a futile attempt to cum, while your girl (in GK's case - guy) is wishing you get the hell off her. :D

    Anyone else have experience with it?


    Yes, am thinking about adding it to our ALP Blister line.






    I love it that you are always giving me attention! Everyone is starting to see the truth about us K. Next time you want me off of you, just say so!

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