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Posts posted by ecto2meso

  1. Running accutaine without weakly bloodwork is stupid and dangerous especially if on other substances that affect the liver and cholesterol. It is also linked to joint issues, muscle weakness and depression. Its rarely used in the us because of it negative side effects. Take better care of your skin with acne soap and freqyent showers.


    Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk


    It's spelled "weekly" for one and no you don't get weekly bloodwork while on isotretinoin. You get monthly bloodwork when on Isotretinoin, also a monthly pregnancy test if you're a woman. The depression isn't a direct result of the medication IMO. You're taking a group of people (severe acne suffers) that already have a low self esteem and or are depressed from their acne before they even begin the drug. You can soap and wash all you want, but if you're one of the unlucky people that have overactive oil production when they take androgens, you'll more than likely need this medication if you want to treat it permanently.

  2. I switched back to GSO, swelling is not as bad as MIG 840, but it still swells more than normal.

    Im using 2% BA, 18% BB, 300mg/ml Test E.

    Any other ideas what could be causing the extra swelling?


    Even 1ml test 300mg with GSO swells up much more than It normally has in the past. I used to do 2-3ml with minor swelling.

    Im not sure what else could be wrong.. maybe too much scar tissue?


    I've heard the Test Raw batches from overseas have been pretty painful as of late. Probably what it is.

  3. I'm using 40mg of Acnotin. And yes, this stuff works amazing. Clearest my skin has been in all my years of juicing. The dry lips and eyes are pain in the ass but well worth it.

  4. MCT gives me a lot of issues as well regarding PIP and swelling. I can't use it without knotting up. GSO and CSO are the only carriers I'll use.

  5. He had been on a blast recently he wasn’t doing just hrt if you followed his Instagram , but it did seem he was being as safe as possible and not being reckless with the compounds .. but who really knows dude looked incredible I def can’t pull off that look on just hrt or anything else actually .


    No one can pull off that look on trt. He was using large doses again. I do think the damage was done awhile ago though when he was competing to turn pro and ignoring the health markers. Adding PEDs back into mix along with his genetics predisposition was a recipe for disaster.

  6. Absolutely ai seems way to high. If it’s not the e what else could it be ?

    And the main thing I noticed was bloat and water retention. Sock marks stomach always felt like I had a three course meal


    I was thinking maybe you could have a kidney issue that's causing the water retention but you said all your markers came back good on the bloodwork so I doubt that's it. Maybe it could be a dietary issue? Reduce your carbs and that'll help cut down on the water retention in the mean time until you can figure out what's causing it.

  7. General rule of thumb is .25mg adex for every 250mg you shoot. You're way above that. No sense in continuing upping the AI if you don't know what your levels are at. It may not even be an estrogen issue. Get your levels checked using the Estradiol, Ultrasensitive, LC/MS.


    You noticed decresed erection quality so you upped your AI? That certainly won't help lol.

  8. Top men’s physique guys are not playing. A friend of mine has won some top tier shows and is qualified again for this year Olympia already. He’s chilled right now peeled at 220lbs. Logan Franklin has size on him too. Bumstead is a beast. Def have a man crush on him


    If Bumstead only had better arms.. everything else is there. Big fan of Cbum. Great ambassador for the sport of bodybuildling! Logan has an awesome physique, but it isn't what comes to mind when I think of classic. Curious to see how he places at the Olympia.

  9. Physique has evolved into a pretty good show. It definitely doesn’t get the respect it deserves. I mean at the Arnold Logan Franklin did a photo shoot with Steve Laurius and hung with him no problem. Men’s physique pro league guys are no joke. Some of them would not make their weight class for classic physique.


    Brandon H was damn near as big as Bumstead when I saw them in Chicago last summer. Big dudes for sure.

  10. Yes!!! I brew almost all my stuff low mg. Test E 200, no bb needed. I did bold cyp at roughly 80mg/ml. I don't skimp on the ba, 1% is necessary for sterility, but you can get way below 20% bb. A 3cc shot that is painless is easy to take. You can take 2 every day if you need to. 1cc of 500mg test will fucking cripple you, make you feel ill etc. Just brew lower mg gear and shoot more oil.


    Normal hella deca was 100mg/mil

    Organon, same or lower.

    Jelfa makes a 100mg test e


    If real, these are awesome products.


    Awesome, man. Yeah I'd rather pin painless lower mg gear than painful higher mg gear. Shit, I think everyone would prefer that. Also I'd argue that you don't absorb it all properly anyways when there is pain and swelling present.


    I'm thinking of doing Cyp 200, Tren A 100 and NPP 100. Might do some tren e 200 or 150 as well. Low mg and low solvents, can't go wrong there.

  11. So I've become extremely sensitive to solvents in gear over the past couple years and it's been causing me many issues regarding knotting, swelling and even scar tissue. I think I have no choice but to brew my own to be in better control these ratios so I'm looking for recipes that have lowest amount of BA and BB possible. I'm new to homebrew so any tips and tricks are greatly appreciated.

  12. Just curious- cant you just draw your own blood at home??


    Yeah that is an option but if dont know anything about phlebotomy I'd suggest to get a friend that does so that they can assist you. My buddy is a nurse and he helps me drop a unit or 2 whenever my numbers get high.

  13. Funny you should say that cause I’ve had that happen and I told the girl who thought she was pregnant that I want a DNA test. I’ve tried to have kids for years and no luck.


    Sorry to hear that man. I can imagine that being disappointing for you. There are protocols out there to boost fertility for guys that use and abuse AAS. Dave Palumbos is the most popular. Look into it if you haven't already.

  14. Brother- hope all turns out well with the bloods. I’ve been on gear the same length of time and am curious how you were able to manage having 6 kids. My sperm count has been so low from all of the fear that I have no kids. Lucky you.



    Everyone is different. Some people are lucky with fertility and others not so much. Even if I managed to have a kid on gear, I'd dwant a DNA test to be 100% sure it was in fact mine.

  15. Have your doc order you a Therapeutic Phelbotomy to get that hemaglogin lower. Blood donation centers won't draw on anyone that's over 20. Do this and I guarantee you'll feel better.


    235 @ 5'8" is pretty damn heavy, especially if you're somewhat lean. Dropping weight will definitely help with your sleep apnea. Probably not what you want to do but it's always an option.

  16. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think all aas raise hema/hemo to some degree. I had mine sky high post NPP and Test cycle years ago, almost identical numbers to the op. Best thing to do is donate blood. CPAP also helped me out tremendously.


    NPP raises mine way up as well. Some do so more than others.

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