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Posts posted by dexitrim

  1. Hey guys my girlfriend is getting ready to gear up for her second cycle and just looking for some advice. Her first cycle was 14 weeks of primo; pyramid up to 100mg EW till week 7, then pyramid down till week 14. Now she is looking to add some Var with the Primo. We are thinking about the same dose for primo but just add 5-10 mg of var ED. Sound good? Thanks


    My wife has been running AAS for the last 3 years. She's run just about everything chicks run, and done some stacking, too. Her experience has been that stacking tends to bring sides on pretty quickly, so she's going to limit that to just pre-contest from here on out. Your girl will probably be OK with adding in 5-10mg of Var, but just make sure you pull the Var out if things go the wrong way. My wife has gone as high as 40mg/day of Var solo, but now she just sticks to 25mg/day.

  2. Also clomid on cycle??? A no test cycle? Why?


    A while back, I had read a thread from some old timer that claimed that back in the '70's, that he and others would run Clomid on cycle at 25mg/eod to keep their nuts working. I wanted to try it out because I've got too much money and time on my hands, and I like experimenting. What I found was that, yes, it did keep my balls full on cycle, but a blood test still showed that my FSH/LSH was bottomed out, so it most likely won't help your HTPA any. Why run a "no test" cycle? Again, just to experiment. It's not just noobies that run no-test cycles out of ignorance. There's also a lot of gear heads out there that do this deliberately based on whatever their goal is at the time. If you're in your 20's or 30's, and your entire life revolves around pussy, then of course it's not in your best interest. But I'm married and 48, so I get laid only a few times a year if I'm lucky. So if my dick doesn't work for a while, no problem. However, even when I've run no test cycles, my dick still works just fine.

  3. I been thinking about my next cycle And I was inquiring a Dbol/EQ cycle. For those who are anti no test in their cycles and for those who run cycles without test id like to hear

    1. Whats the lowest dose of test nd what ester I could think about running with a cycle like dbol/eq, of I end up using the test with it.

    2. I'd like to hear a lot of cycles you run and the reasons behind them and /or the experiment you may be trying.


    Over the last 3 years, I've run three "no test" blasts that I can remember. Twice I've run EQ and Deca together at a gram/wk each with no test. Here's one I ran two years ago that I pulled from my Eroids profile:

    EQ 1575mg/wk

    Mast E 525mg/wk

    Tren E 700mg/wk

    Accutane 20mg/E3D Clomid 25mg/ED Aromasin 12.5mg EOD


    I really like EQ and Deca together. I get decent fullness and size with very little bloat. However, it seems 8 weeks is the max I can go without Test before I start feeling run down. The other fancy blast I ran for like 3 months, but I don't remember feeling run down. Maybe the Clomid helped (that was another experiment). I think Dbol and EQ would be a good combo without Test if you're into experimenting. I'd probably throw in a shot of Test Prop occasionally if I started to feel run down.

  4. whats the standard freak ? I literally dont know if 1/2 ml gunna keep it from happening again . i honestly think ill have to err on 3/4 or a full ml to cut it down properly to where it should be.


    I've been using 1/2cc with some Sust 450 that has brutal pip, and it works well. Cagedfreak's Q&A gave me the idea to try out sterile filtered GSO, and it work's great!

  5. I've never used it but looking into it, for the most part as an AI plus I read of it's anxiolytic effects as well. Very interesting. How much to use this and how many times a week? I've seen it in 25mg pill. should this be taken daily or EOD or what?


    My stack is Test Ace, Masteron, and Anavar. Could I add proviron in there in place of Anavar or should I simply use proviron post cycle, as an AI as well?


    I think Proviron might have some mild AI properties, but it's going to do absolutely nothing for e1/e2 if you're using a lot of aromatizing gear. Most people run 50-100mg/day, but you have to experiment to find your sweet spot. It will not add one ounce of muscle or any real strength the way Anavar will, so it's not a good substitute for that. Personally, I wouldn't run it with Masteron, as they are similar, but feel free to try it out. As far as running it along side Anavar, it's not c17-Alpha-Alkylated, so it's not liver toxic, and therefore, shouldn't cause any more stress to your liver.

  6. Because I'm sure the pharmacist does that with the 7 cameras surrounding him at all times before he hands my buddy the bottle right in front of me... You're right I'm sure he's replacing it with Tylenol...


    I also get it from JT on here. I'm not saying it can't be faked, but considering the pills are the exact shape, color, markings etc as the Upsher smith I get from my buddy along with identical effects on her body I'm positive it's Var right from the pharma like my buddies is. I'm sure JT would bet his rep on that as well.


    I'm not saying it can't be faked but in my situation it isn't. If I hadn't had real Upsher smith before and didn't know what it looked like I could see your point as being more of a concern.


    In other words if you can get Rx var AND have access to ugl var that's decent I'd always go Rx simply because even if the source is golden, his powder supplier could send a bad batch or cut it with something else randomly and one time is all it takes to mess a female up. Straight from a pharmacy will always be var. That's all.


    I refuse to leave ANYTNING to chance even its its a 5% chance. I'd never forgive myself for any permanent sides she experienced because of getting say methyl test or winny on accident.


    I get your point though boss.


    Just to help alleviate your concern, except for about 3 months total, my wife has been using AAS for the last 2.5 years. "We've" experimented with Var, Winny, Primo tabs, Tbol, Epistane, Nolvadex, NPP, Test, EQ, Primo E, and Deca. To this date, the only concern I've had about any permanent side has been her voice changing. So far, Primo E and Deca were responsible for blowing up her clit, but as soon as she switches to different gear, or comes off, it goes right back down. She has gotten some facial hair on different runs (she's also 47, and a lot of other women her age that she hangs out with have this problem), but again, when she switches compounds or comes off, it goes away. The voice thing is up and down. Primo seems to have the biggest impact on her voice if it's run long enough. Still, she doesn't sound like some of the fitness/physique chicks that make you cringe when they talk. She ran Winny solo for about 14 weeks up to 15mg/day for her 2nd run. There was no permanent damage done, but we did determine that it wasn't really a good alternative to Var, and only use it for 4 weeks precontest now. Even if your girl got a hold of some dbol by accident, what kind of damage do you think it's going to do at 10-15mg/day for a week or two until you realize the mistake? The bloat goes away pretty quick, and it's not long enough to change her into a man. At most, it would mostly be embarrassing for you because you didn't research your source thoroughly. I may try getting her some HG Var at some point, just so we have a point of reference, but so far, out of the 4 sources we've used, they all seem to be pretty consistent, and she has enough experience with Winny's sides to quickly tell the difference if that's what they shipped us. :)

  7. I agree here. Though my girl hasn't run it as high (10mg) only, and Rx so it was 100% real and she actually got MORE horny. Clit got a little swollen but that's it and was probably what made her "sensitive."


    Beware though make sure the source is 100% that's why I only let her use Rx Var and sero. I got her var from a source a while back and her clit got REALLY swollen within a few days and she got bloated as hell. Needless to say it wasn't var at all.

    Glad to hear dexitrim


    My wife has run several different UGL sources for var. This Summer, she ran Chavo's/CBL Var up to 40mg/day, and all was good.

  8. The only two AAS that have a significant impact on my wife's libido are Test and Winny. Var has been pretty much side effect free for her, and she's gone as high as 40mg/day. She ran Primo E solo for about 16 weeks. For the first 4 weeks, she ran it at 100mg/wk. At the 4 week mark is when her clit blew up, so I backed her down to 50mg week for the rest of the run. At about the 12 week mark, her voice started cracking and getting deeper. I don't remember her mentioning any increase in sex drive while running it, though.

  9. Wow that's super high !

    I usually run 800mg the week and I get great results . I tried 1000mg a week for 6 weeks and didn't noticed the difference . So these days I keep it

    At around 800 mg


    Here's what I ran starting on 2/25/2013. I had to login to my Eroids account (don't laugh!), and look at my profile where I listed some of my blasts.


    EQ 1575mg/wk

    Mast E 525mg/wk

    Tren E 700mg/wk


    If I remember correctly, I don't think I noticed much of a difference between that and a gram of EQ. I wasn't running any test at the time, as I was experimenting with a "Middle Eastern" stack. I've run EQ at a gram with about 750mg/wk of Test. Much better thickness. Right now I'm experimenting with Tren E and Deca with no test. I'm looking forward to getting back on test at some point.

  10. I pinned for the first time today! I'm still pretty excited so I wanted to tell someone and get your guys' opinions on some things.


    The whole thing went pretty smooth. I warmed up the vial, loaded up, and buried a 1.5in 22g needle in my arse. Trying to aspirate made me a bit nervous because I want to be sure I am doing this part right. I felt like I pulled pretty good but the plunger didn't seem to want to budge. I'm pretty sure I've read that you should see little bubbles. I didn't see any, so is that normal? I also definitely did not see blood and I think that is the major thing I should be looking out for. I feel like if I were in a vein, blood wouldn't be too hard to pull.


    I always hear that pinning glutes is best way to go, but I had a real hard time seeing and feeling exactly what was going on. I'm curious, is there any strategic or safety advantages to it because its such a meaty area or is it just that it is the easiest spot to pin for most people? I'm very pain tolerant and I actually always kind of enjoyed needles so I kind of want to just go for areas where I can really see what I am doing.


    When starting out, it's very normal to over-think things that are new. Unfortunately, the only way to learn is through practice and exchanging info with others. Glutes are a good place to start, and I've read that the absorption rate is better there....who knows? Research Ventrogluteal injections. This is a good area to pin, as it's easy to see what you're doing, holds a lot of oil, and rarely bleeds or gives pip...at least for me. There's lots of places on the glutes to pin, just make sure you know where the sciatic nerve is, and pin more to the outside of the glute to avoid it. After you get comfortable with glutes, delts and quads are usually the next area to try. For me, I only use a 1" pin on my delts, as any smaller tends to result in bleeding and oil leaking out. I'll go as high as 2.5cc's in the delts, but I've had to work up to it, and really don't like going more than 2cc's. Quads are hit and miss for me. I can usually get away with 2.5cc's with a 1" pin. Sometimes, it's goes so smooth, that I can't even tell I pinned there, and other times, it's like a got hit with a fast pitch for a few days after. I like to use the Z track method on my quads, as it minimizes bleeding. Traps, pecs, bis, tris, calves, lats are all areas I haven't tried yet. Make sure you rotate injection sites as much as possible to avoid scar tissue. I pretty much stick with 1-1.5" 25gauge pins, but some guys like/tolerate bigger gauges, and some will use slin pins for everything. I've been using gear off and on for 27 years, and I've never aspirated. I also don't flip out if there's some air bubbles in the barrel. Good luck!

  11. I would expect this site to have a lot more traffic as well but I'm glad it doesn't. More people means more jackasses..lol


    As the old jackasses die off, we're going to need new jackasses to carry on the tradition, so some influx is necessary, even if they are undocumented and unskilled.

  12. Planning/Saving up for my next 16 week blast to get me that head turning physique I've always wanted and so far Im looking at


    300mg test e

    400mg tren e

    350mg mast e


    If I wanted to add 400mg primo e, would that be overkill?


    If you're going to leave mast in there, it might be, especially if you tend to shed. I really like Primo for the fullness it gives me. Obviously, Test provides a lot more size and fullness, but if you're trying to keep the Test on the low end, Primo really helps make up for that, and helps keep sides and estro down. The only sides I seem to get from Primo is my hair seems to get more coarse, and I seem to get some acne on my scalp. At least I don't have issues with MPB. I ran high test all Summer, and felt like a break, so for the past couple of months, I've been running per week Test 400mg, tren 250mg, and primo e 200mg. I just upped the Primo to 400mg. At the beginning of the year, I ran Test, Tren, and Primo at 400mg/wk each. I know it's common to run Mast with the other two, but so far, I really like subbing Primo for the Mast.

  13. I live in WA, and get Bronkaid all the time at Walmart. I didn't know they restricted Bronkaid in other states. It's funny that we can get all the weed/THC products we want in the Pacific NW, but something like this is so controlled. I understand that you can get 8mg ephedrine tabs over the counter in BC Canada. I may be going up there next weekend, so I'll probably check it out.

  14. I've had locals in the past but Im not in the gym circuit as much as I use to be. I orderedfrom etalaze before and it came through. Should I try that again or do you guys have a better referral? Thanks in advance.


    Do people still seriously buy their gear at the gym? That's so 1985.

  15. Ok, I am about to enter hell.


    Currently running mast e (400mgs a week) and sus (700mgs a week). Not a big deal right? I would agree, the issue is I've blasting and crusing for longer than I care to remember, about 3.5 years or so, more blasting than crusing.


    July 3rd will be my last shot for 1 month. I assume this will be refered to as "the month from hell" when it's all over but it's time to come off.


    I really, really need to take a break, even if it's a short one and continue to do so for the reminder of my AAS use. I'm not getting any better results so what's the point? I can only imagine what my receptors look like.


    So here's my plan.


    Last shot on the 3rd. On the 9th I start HCG and clomid. HCG will be 5000mcgs everyother day and clomid at 50mgs the entire month i'm "off".


    Will be posting updates along the way.


    Maybe I'm way off here, but you're not technically going to be off at all. If you're running Sust, then I assume it has the decanoate ester. There's no way that is going to clear completely in a month, much less any of the esters including Mast. You're basically going on a very short mini cruise. To me, a Month from Hell would be stopping everything, not running any PCT, and then waiting until around the 6 week mark for things to start going south.

  16. My wife ran nolvadex very recently for about 3 weeks. We wanted to see if it would help reduce bloat and/or aid in fat loss. She's prepping for a physique contest in mid August, so she's still a long way out. She finished running the nolvadex at 20mg/day about a month ago, while on EQ at 300mg/wk. A couple of things happened. It did appear that she was leaning out, but it's hard to say how much the nolavadex helped, since she had started tightening up her diet, and the deca/primo she had been using prior to the EQ was probably clearing out around the same time. Now we all know that nolvadex blocks the estro receptors, and does nothing to lower estro. At least that's what we've been told. But by the end of 3 weeks, her joints were starting to ache, similar to when you overdo the adex, and your estro drops too low. So I wonder if it reduces estro in women? About 2 weeks after she stopped the nolvadex, she had a full blown period. She hasn't had one in well over a year and a half. She spotted a bit when she took 2 months off gear last Fall, but nothing like this. I wonder if there was some estro rebound that caused this, or what? Anyways, that's the end of that experiment.

  17. I ordered caber and accutane from Aurapharm last Jan. The accutane came in two shipments, and the caber never came. I E-mailed them four times, but no response. Other than that, the process is easy. Their order department will call you after you place your order to verify your payment. FWIW, a number of bros over on GH15 have ordered caber successfully from Aurapharm during the last couple of months.

  18. Test prop 100mg or 150mg eod havent decided yet

    Masteron prop 300mgs e week

    EQ 100 mg eod


    I have bad sides from EQ in the past moderate to high doses split twice a week so I think I will try at a lower dose split up into smaller doses looking more for a slight endurance cardio increase than large muscle gains from the equi

    The masteron prop of course in there for libido boosts and help minimize bad sides

    the test prop im a lil worried about I usually dont respond well to anything less than 600mgs of test cypionate split mon wed fri so we will see what happens


    Adex will be taken as necessary usally .35 e3d is overkill for me so ill just go by instinct and feel.


    If you can swing it, just sub Primo for the EQ. Less sides, and really nice fullness.

  19. 250mg Test E/C

    400mg Masteron E (optional)


    More importantly than the gear though.


    Starve. Eat ONLY when extreme hunger kicks in. Wait it out, drink water instead. When you do eat, eat protein, and maybe some veges if you want. Pin the gear twice a week. IE, split up the dosage to 2 injections a week. Train for a huge pump at all times. Now is not the time to max out on the bench my friend. Also, train every day except maybe 1 day off a week. Also, cardio for 15 mins minimum, and if you can hit the sauna if your gym has one for 10 minutes after you do your cardio. This will sweat out some more water. Drink plenty of water too. Always make sure your piss is clear, if it's not then drink a couple glasses of water.


    You'll look better than anyone at the pool or beach doing this.


    Don't bother with oral only cycles, you can't run them for nearly as long as injects. You can run test year round, and add in another compound at specific times (hence my recommendation to use Masteron Enanthate as an optional choice) to look better. Keep the test base though, year round. If you get sick of shooting gear, take an 8 week period and either go off and stay lean, or take 10-30mg dbol a day (also try and stay lean, stick to the diet). You won't lose muscle doing this. If you must use an oral, I recommend Anavar at 50mg a day. Always use a little bit of test though. Always.


    From what I've read, this is how a lot of Middle Eastern BB's come in so shredded. They basically starve themselves, and work hard at getting the water out through diuretics and saunas. I don't know if I could keep that starvation protocol up for an entire Summer, though!

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