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Posts posted by Ant918

  1. Ok- first of all, welcome back bro. And yes you definitely have body dsymorphia but so do I and I imagine we aren’t the only ones here who do. You honestly look great and if anything you look more on the skinny side than anything I would consider “blocky”. The gym pics do look better so idk but maybe consider tanning. I definitely would not continue with a calorie deficit diet but moreso increase your calories but still eat clean. You want to add size and quality muscle. I would actually go with the parabolan now and run that along with the test. 1cc of each every 3 days. Maybe do some cardio 3 days as well since I know you will obsess about increasing the calories. My point is- I think that you can use size and you will look better aesthetically with size. You have good separation to your muscles and a nice taper and abs look great. I prefer to have abs like that and jacked up. It’s a great look. At my best I have that look but 225lbs at 5ft 11. I’ve gotten a full 6 pack at 205 but it’s nearly impossible for me to maintain that for long and without gh.


    Thanks brother, god damn 205 with a full 6 pack? That's animal status lol. At 173lbs I agree, I do think I could do with more size, if it wasn't for that pop of the muscles I'd probably just look skinnyfat. Interesting that you recommend the parabolan instead of the nand, I supposed I could do that, I was only planning on running it a fairly low dosage, maybe 200-300 mgs a week. I've had some horrid experiences with tren at 600 a week it was unbearable. My problem is I'm not sure how much to eat, I feel like my maintenance is around 25-2600 as that's what I've been eating and maintaining my weight at, but I don't wanna start blowing up with fat gain either.

  2. What's up boys, been outta the game for a couple of years. Long story short, met a girl, real whackadoo, was in the best shape of my life before her. Fast forward 4 years, she leave's me and I'm 220 lbs of fat. I guess all those rice krispies and hershey bar sandwhiches she was always obsessed with caught up to me, lol. Anyway, started dieting REAL hard, always stayed lifting weights the entire 4 years though, only thing that kept me sane. Went from 220 at the end of November to 170 at the end of May on nothing but 250mgs of test cyp. Finally punched my calories into one of those tracking apps and realized I was pretty much starving myself, probably around 1500 calories a day, but I was determined.


    Been eating at maintenance since the beginning of June to give myself a break, around 2500 calories, fluctuating between 169-173 ish. Alway's been on a TRT dose of pharma test cyp at 250mgs this entire time.


    I'm gonna start up a log here if it's cool with the mods(don't know if this is the place for that). To be honest, all of my friends are gamers, me included, but they don't give a rats ass about bodybuilding, so I don't really have anybody to talk to and be transparent with. I'd like to have a couple of people to actually answer to and work towards something with.


    Current stats:

    28 years old


    173lbs as of this morning


    Pinned 500 mgs of test this Wednesday. I'm at a crossroad boys, I'm gonna upload a few pictures. The ones taken at the gym I thought I looked decent, but it was after a nice workout and all pumped up. The ones taken at home were just stupid, right after eating a huge meal, so I know its not the best indication. I don't know what to do, do I go back to a calorie deficit and cut weight for the rest of the summer? Or do I say fuck it and start up a little bulk and try to put some decent muscle on. I personally feel like I look like total shit, I have terrible body dysmorphia, what I see in the mirror is not what other people are seeing. It took alot to even go back to eating at maintenance, I never wanna be that fat piece of shit that I was when I was with that whackadoo ex of mine. I have some nand cyp and tren hex on its way to me, planning on saving the hex for winter time, last time I ran tren e during the summer it was an absolute shitshow lol. I'm thinking of 500mg test with 400mg of nand cyp, maybe t3 if I plan on cutting otherwise I'll leave it out. I am a true endomorph, real blocky looking fuck. Even when I was at my lowest weight my stomach always has this soft look to it, I'd love to see a true 6 pack one day but I feel like I need a better base.






  3. I usually take my hand and put the tip of my fingers right on the top of my kneecap, then ill pin on the upper outer quadrant. I used to pin right on top of the rectus femoris but I kept hitting nerves and damn its a bitch.

  4. The heartburn is not uncommon at all while running tren. Tren is very spicy... no shit, taste it. A lot of guys get acid indigestion from it. What is your diet like? Do you have plenty of green vegetables/fiber in your diet? Like Warhead, I love Metamucil when I need to get things going. If you are eating properly and still constipated (and you said you are drinking a gallon of H2O per day) try the metamucil in your protein shakes..... too many shakes or too much dairy can cause bloat as well... and sodium. and .... well, you have a place to start but make damn sure your diet is cleaned up and spot on with plenty of fiber and water.


    Keep us posted please!


    Much Respect,



    Thanks for the concern Vette. While I'm not getting alot of veggies, I'm getting a ton of fiber from my oatmeal everyday. I have a pretty typical diet, chicken, rice, oatmeal and the occasional sweet here and there. I picked up a box of Metamucil packets, how long does it usually take to get things going? I noticed lowering my dose pretty much got rid of my heartburn also, gonna ride it out and see how I'm feeling. I also picked up some digestive enzymes and Liv52 as I heard tren could actually be quite harsh on the liver compared to most AAS. Really trying to cover all bases here, being tren e I have to endure sides for much longer then I like so I would really like to nail everything.

  5. ECA causes rapid loss in fluid through pissing(have you noticed it yet?) including the fluid that forms stool. drink lots of water and take some fiber powder mixed in large glass of water 3 x daily between meals. also eat some prunes, it flushes you right out.


    Definitely noticed pissing every 45 minutes to the hour, I'm drinking over a gallon of water a day, I have some sort of fiber powder I can take, I gotta check it out.

  6. Well brothers I come to you looking for some help to relieve myself. Im gonna try and make this as detailed as possible to make it easier. I started a test e/tren e cycle 6 weeks ago 250mg test e/600mg of tren e, along with 50mcg of t3 daily and e/c at 24mg/200mg 3 times a day.


    I noticed immediately even at the start of the cycle that I was suffering from constipation, this worried me because I keep reading that most guys shit 3-4 times a day on t3, I chalked this up to the tren/t3 nutrient partitioning and being in a caloric deficit. Around week 4 is when I started to notice heartburn/indigestion, I was constantly bloated and gassy all day long. At the start of week 6 I had an extremely painful stomach ache with diarrhea all day, brothers when I tell you this was the most pain I've ever endured I'm not lying, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. This also happened Thursday night into Friday, I figured this was due to the constipation and my body trying to clean itself out.


    Here I am at the end of week 6 and I'm thinking about tossing the tren altogether. I could deal with the trensomnia and night sweats but the bloated feeling and stomach aches were brutal. My workouts were also being cut short due to feeling nauseous and wanting to vomit. My question is, what could be the cause of this? Is it the tren? The t3? Maybe even the e/c? I've done alot of reading about tren stomach problems and it seems some have also endured it. Perhaps it could even be a liver problem? Any help here is appreciated.

  7. Ant......OMG, i'm going thru the same thing since Late November. Still cant figure it out and havent trained since dec. 3rd. I've posted in my own thread and the newer thread "Headache".....Check it out and see if it sounds similar. Get back to me ASAP with a PM bro.




    Shit Hypertrophy, I have similar symptoms but they don't seem to be as harsh. I'm not sure what we can do to remedy it, I've read that taurine/potassium may or may not help, it's worth a try for the moment.

  8. Whats up brothers, I just finished up my third week of a new cycle. Doing 250 mg test e/600mg tren e weekly, 12.5 aroma eod, and .5mg caber e3d. I began noticing at the start of the second week that my neck was unbelievably stiff/cramped up. Now at first I thought perhaps I slept wrong and it was just gonna be for a day, but here I am at the start of week 4 and my neck is still killing me. The pain is pretty unbearable, it travels all the way up from the base of my traps to the top of the back of my head and it gives me this pulsing headache. I'm really trying to figure out what the problem could be, should I be supplementing with taurine/potassium? Crashed e2 maybe? Or something physically wrong? I could use any advice here brothers, thanks.

  9. Sounds kinda like what E/C/A is doing to me bob. I haven't used stims in years either and its kicking my ass. I do know that clen increases body temp so perhaps your misinterpretating the feel after so long. The clen may also be overdosed, a common thing i hear with MPs stuff, which would definitely make you feel like shit to start.

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