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Posts posted by Ant918

  1. Whats your current calorie consumption at? The weights and cardio are alright, your macros are good too, you could maybe increase fats and lower protein a bit if you wanted. Depending on what your current calories are at I would make slow decreases in calories eaten to prevent you from losing a big amount of weight then stalling out.

  2. I make sure to not touch my face and I put a towel down wherever I would be placing my head, that's it though. There's some older Chinese couple that come in and the women literally wipes down everything for a good 10 minutes, its insanity.

  3. This might sound dumb, but.....few months ago my son and my gf's son stayed the night with their buddies, parents are our good friends. They had a bunch of buddies stay the night, some who I hadn't met before. They're all 14-16. We walked in around noon after chest day at the gym, to pick them up and one of the boys who I didn't know thought I was another buddies' dad, and says to his buddy, "dude your dad is jacked!" My son gives him the chin nod and says, "umm that's MY dad". If my boy feels a little pride that his ole man is packin some guns and looks like a beast next to the other boys' dads and their beer guts, well then that's all the motivation I need


    lol I like that...hopefully one day that will happen to me, that's gotta feel great.

  4. You know Vette its funny, my training partner is an "ex" bodybuilder in his 50's and he kinda answered this question for me. Not too long ago he was talking about how bodybuilding is a sport of obnoxiousness and how your constantly trying to show the guy next to you that your better than him. I couldn't agree with him more. He was talking about how he enjoys making other guys feel inadequate which is the real rush he gets, I kinda pondered for a little bit and thought "well that sounds kinda gay", but then I realized hes right. Women on the other hand are too easy, if you have a 6 pack and your lean at a good weight they're pretty much throwing their panties at you, lol.

  5. I tell my friends the same shit all the time Vette. Proven research plus the fact that this society is trying to feminize males only further proves my point. You see all these little queers walking around with their skinny pants and macbooks and anything male like is promoted as Misogyny, its a fucking disgrace. 70 years ago our grandfathers were storming the beaches of normandy and finger banging german chicks and 70 years later kids are driving around in smart cars on the way to starbucks. Fuck man, this shit gets me riled up.

  6. I was thinking about trying that intermittent fasting diet.

    Standard day for me is :

    300-400 g protein

    0-100g carbs (usually just serving of coaches oats, ezekiel, and maybe a scoop of vitargo post workout) (This goes WAY up on weekends)

    50-90g fat (almonds, walnuts, cashews, almond butter, mac nut oil, EFAs.)



    Everyones different. My workout partner eats TONS of carbs and stays super lean. I eat tons of carbs and i look like the damn michelin man



    I do a combination of intermittent fasting and IIFYM. I eat atleast 1g of protein per lb of bodyweight then fill in the rest of my calories with a combination of fat/carbs. I usually break my fast post workout with a big meal, around 1:30 pm, then around 4-5 pm ill eat my second big meal. I wont eat again until the next day post workout. IF'ing is pretty much a way of life for me now, been doing it for years. Its GREAT when your cutting but when your trying to bulk it can be hard getting in all your calories in a certain window sometimes. As far as low carbing I've never tried it, I think this summer I may give it a go, maybe keep my carbs low all week like you and then eat more on the weekend. I've always felt like carbs bloat me up but I've never had the balls to do a true low carb diet. I'm wondering how low carbing + T3 might do, might give that a go also but I dont wanna end up melting away although I'm planning on running test/tren.

  7. I pretty much do iifym, I get in at least 1g of protein per pound of body weight and then the rest of my calories can be a mix of fat and carbs from whatever foods you like. I think the main issue with iifym is that alot of guys decide to get plenty of protein then go and get all their carbs from ice cream or other shit foods. Only once in awhile ill treat myself to something different from my regular foods. I usually eat 2 big meals a day, one post workout then another several hours later.

  8. I rocked 245 for about 15 years, and then I cut my ass off one summer to 215 and shit was crazy. I was being starred down by women.... so I decided to do a total recomp. Dropped from 245 15% bf to 175 5% and started building. Now I stay around 205 at 6-7% bf. I very much prefer the lean me (5'9.5").... and there is no substitute for the six pack.... it is the lady killer.


    I tell powerlifters all the time.... enjoy it while you are young because you WILL end up in physique/body building if you are chasing trim :cool:


    Dropping weight as you age but holding more muscle than the average joe is where I am now.


    Much Respect,



    This x100, It's pretty much like the guy I train with. He's an ex bodybuilder, in his 50's now. He doesn't go over 190 but right now he's sitting around 180ish just unbelievably lean, reminds me of frank zane. I think its a much more achievable and better looking physique overall, I never wanna be a 230 pound animal, its just not practical in my opinion.

  9. I did INSANE amount of research about every compound you can imagine before touching anything. I was a damn encyclopedia. Granted, that is just book smarts, and you learn what works best with your body. But agree completely the average person is basically a total moron.


    Nailed it. I read for months on end before I decided to do even the simplest of cycles and I'm still learning things every day. Your body is something you carry with you 24/7, you can either fuck it up or make it better and there's too many people willing to start throwing compounds at their systems without reading.

  10. I hadn't been swabbing the vial every time. Pretty sure that might have been what it was, or possibly from tearing muscle jiggling the needle around. I also know not to use a 1 inch needle on an area like the glutes now. Going to rotate Delts and Quads


    Hmm shit it may very well have been. There's been some times where I've wondered if its worth even bothering but then I realize the alcohol swabs are dirt cheap so you might as-well. Delts and quads are my favorite places to pin personally, It takes awhile to have a steady hand but eventually you'll be able to do it blind folded haha.

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