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Posts posted by Ant918

  1. Shit Para, did you swab the top of the vial and the injection site separately? Switch needles after drawing too? I'm pretty strict when it comes to pinning procedures, last thing I need is to end up at the doctors trying to fool them lol. Hope all goes well brother.

  2. Maybe try a 25g, it'll go through like butter. SFGiants may be right too, If its your first shot you may have been pretty shaky. I started off with quads myself and always took a liking to them, problem for me is it seems like every other shot I'm hitting a nerve which hurts like a bitch! I actually found Glutes to be the least painful shot and pip wise right next to deltoids, quads definitely feel more comfortable though.

  3. I just realized I forgot to mention that when I injected, I aspirated and there was no blood, but once I removed the needle from the muscle, it bled a bit more than other sites. Is it possible I passed through a vein or something similar, and the swelling/redness is just blood bruising?


    I'm not sure about other guys, but I always bleed a bit when I pin. Sometimes more than others it seems like its hit or miss, I can barely bleed or bleed quite a bit , I'm not sure what causes it perhaps what you said about passing through a vein. What size needle did you use? I remember using a 21g once and when I pulled it out all of the oil pretty much started pouring right back out until I put pressure. Maybe somebody else can chime in about possible blood bruising, not too sure on that.

  4. I was gonna make a new thread for this, but since this is bumped i'll just ask here.


    I pinned my right glute (virgin muscle) last tuesday feb 26 with 300mg test e. Since it's a virgin muscle, I was expecting some pip, similar to what i've experienced in my other injection sites so far this cycle. The pip definitely came, but unlike with my quads or my delts, it hasn't gone away after a day or two. I've been manning up and taking painkillers, and been able to walk around/lift/cardio and all that (admittedly with some discomfort, but doable). But I just got out of the shower and saw that the area that I injected in was very obviously swollen and appears to be a little red (not exactly a vibrant blood red or anything, but darker than my pale white skin) Is this normal for virgin muscle, or am I experiencing the beginnings of an infection?


    I don't have a fever or anything, but it hurts to put any sort of pressure on it (sit down with my, weight leaning on my right side, lay down on my back)


    I've had pain in virgin muscle for 3-4 days afterwards, once I've had my quad swell up just a bit with a little extra heat on the area, wasn't an infection though. I would say wait it out and see, I honestly think if it's an infection, your definitely gonna know.

  5. how slow/long are you talking abt? I feel like doing 2CC through a slin pin would take like 25 minutes haha.


    I've pinned 1cc out of a 3cc barrel with a 27g and it takes forever plus the needle bends most of the time. I haven't tried a slin pin yet the difference in pressure might make it quicker though.

  6. Welcome jwb, sorry about the injury. My dad had half of his back muscle removed to get rid of a kidney tumor years ago, not quite a spinal injury but he's back to working under cars and lifting up heavy shit(with my help) already lol. Start off slow brother, if there's one thing about this game it's that slow and steady wins the race.

  7. If your injecting into virgin muscle it's probably gonna kill no matter what. I've been hitting my rectus femoris part of my quads for a long time and after the first couple of times it was painless, just tried the vastus lateralis for the first time out of curiosity, GOD DAMN have I been limping around!

  8. Wow... The more I read, the more I see this sport is cut-throat when it comes to gear. I see now why there's so many steps taken. It's about the money and power. It shouldn't be like this when there's more than enough market share if you keep your product on point.


    Your definitely right about that. One would think we're all in this game together but a business is a business I suppose. I think it's hilarious that gh15 was looking for free gear, I'm dying to know who the hell he is one day.

  9. 21's to draw, 25 to shoot. Been hitting my quads/glutes/and delts with 25's for a long time now. Anybody ever try out a 21 to shoot? Man.....I tried it out of curiosity in my quad once, forgot to Z-track it so the second I pulled the needle the shit started flowing right back out like a god damn volcano, I swear I must have lost a good quarter of my shot to that....

  10. Looks like we all have our preference, quads are my favorite to shoot, now shoulders, I don't put shit in there!


    Yea I've been doing quads for a long time now, first area I ever tried actually. Just felt comfortable propping my leg up on something and popping it in. Now delts, I figured I would try it out of curiosity, didn't even feel it I was shocked, my only problem with delts is they get sore as hell the next day.

  11. I never pin quads that shit hurts to much.


    Seems like its hit or miss when I do it. It either goes in painless or I end up hitting a nerve and it hurts like a bitch. I've only ever tried delts too which was painless for me, gotta give glutes a shot but I only have 1 inchers and my ass is a little too meaty atm lol.

  12. I've been thinking that lately, but we'll see. I've been going for about a month now at 2k calories, and haven't lost any strength, and that's naturally. But the second my lifts start dropping along with my weight, ima up the calories. I want dat dere six pack, (I'm 22, Chicks my age don't really care for giant dudes), I have the rest of my life to be gigantic (and once i'm happily married/older i fully plan to be) but for now I want that lean yet big look.


    That said, if my lifts start to drop, you best believe i'm gonna up my calories, strength is addicting.


    Yup there you go man, if you see any decrease in strength or starting to look flat you might be losing a bit of muscle. I'd start off a little higher and work my way down to make sure I dont lose anything, it aint easy packing on muscle even with AAS lol.

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